Gustave Doré 1832 – 1883
Noah Curses Canaan
engraving — 1865
This work is linked to Genesis 9:25
(창 9:25) | 이에 이르되 가나안은 저주를 받아 그의 형제의 종들의 종이 되기를 원하노라 하고 |
After drinking too much wine Noah had disrobed himself drunkenly in his tent. His son Cham, father of Canaan, happened to find him in his drunken state and told his brothers – apparently an evil deed, because when Noah recovered he cursed Cham and his descendants.
Bertram of Minden ca. 1340 – 1414/15
The building of the ark
mixed techniques on panel (84 × 56 cm) — 1383
This work is linked to Genesis 6:14
(창 6:14) | 너는 고페르 나무로 너를 위하여 방주를 만들되 그 안에 칸들을 막고 역청을 그 안팎에 칠하라 |
A panel from the left outer wing of Bertram's Grabow altarpiece. The ugly stain is the remainder of a 16th century painting.
Fortunately we can still see how Noah receives the command to build himself an ark of gopher wood large enough to house his family and a male and female of every species. In the ark they would be able to survive the great flood.
Nobody really knows what tree a gopher is. The word is a transliteration of the word used in the Hebrew sources and occurs only in this chapter of the Bible. It is often thought to be either a cedar or a cypress.
Master of the Munich Golden Legend ca. 1400 – 1460
The Animals Leave the Ark
illumination (263 × 184 mm) — c. 1415-1430
Master of the Munich Golden Legend biography
This work is linked to Genesis 8:17
(창 8:17) |
너와 함께 한 모든 혈육 있는 생물 곧 새와 가축과 땅에 기는 모든 것을 다 이끌어내라 이것들이 땅에서 생육하고 땅에서 번성하리라 하시매
Please scroll down to read more information about this work.
In the top right a hand gestures that it is safe to leave the ark. The animals disembark. on land Noah brings a sacrifice to God, who then decides to no longer curse the Earth.
Bodies can be seen floating in the water, cities have been submerged in the flood.
The lower half of this miniature shows how Noah settles as a wine grower. Bottom right he indulges in too much of his own wine.
This is page 16v from the Bedford Hours, a book of hours named after its first owner, John, duke of Bedford. It was probably largely made in Paris, in the workshop of the Bedford Master. But five pages with scenes from Genesis are attributed to another unknown master: the Master of the Munich Golden Legend.
Michelangelo Buonarroti 1475 – 1564
Noah's Drunkenness
fresco — 1508-1512
Michelangelo Buonarroti biography
This work is linked to Genesis 9:21
(창 9:21) | 포도주를 마시고 취하여 그 장막 안에서 벌거벗은지라 |
On the left Noah is working in his vineyard. After drinking too much wine he falls asleep. His son Ham finds him and alerts his brothers. Shem and Japheth then cover their father with a blanket, without having a look at him.
This is a fresco on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
Michelangelo Buonarroti 1475 – 1564
Noah's Sacrifice
fresco (170 × 260 cm) — 1508-1512
Michelangelo Buonarroti biography
This work is linked to Genesis 8:20
(창 8:20) | ○노아가 여호와께 제단을 쌓고 모든 정결한 1)짐승과 모든 정결한 새 중에서 제물을 취하여 번제로 제단에 드렸더니 |
A fresco on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
After the Flood Noah builds an altar so that he can thank God. He sacrifices some animals that he saved from drowning earlier.
Note the elliptical composition.
Raphael 1483 – 1520
Four Biblical Scenes
fresco (c. 4 × 4 m) — 1513 - 1514
Stanze e Loggia di Raffaello, Vatican City
This work is linked to Exodus 3:2
(출 3:2) | 여호와의 사자가 떨기나무 가운데로부터 나오는 불꽃 안에서 그에게 나타나시니라 그가 보니 떨기나무에 불이 붙었으나 그 떨기나무가 사라지지 아니하는지라 |
The Stanza dell'Eliodoro is a room in the Vatican palace, named for the main work on one of the walls: The Expulsion of Heliodorus from the Temple. The ceiling is worthwhile too, showing four scenes from the Old Testament on the subject of devine intervention.
Clockwise, starting at the top:
- God appears to Noah (Genesis 6:14)
- Abraham wants to Sacrifice Isaac (Genesis 22:10)
- Moses and the Burning Bush (Exodus 3:2)
- Jacob's Ladder (Genesis 28:12)
Compared with Raphael's earlier work, these paintings are more expressive and more menacing. Raphael wanted it made perfectly clear that the episodes portrayed are turning points in the history of mankind.
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