Art and the Bible /제임스 티소가 본 구약성서 10

James Tissot Artwork and Paintings of the Old Testament -10

The Prophet Jonah​, 1888, watercolo The Sower, Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn, New York, USA ​tissot-the-voice-in-the-desert-434x741 The Voice Crying in the Wilderness​ ​I Will Worship toward Thy Temple The Nail for the Feet The Man Who Hordes ​ ​Jesus Travelling The First Shall Be Last God Is Near to the Afflicted (1896), Brooklyn Museum, waterc..

James Tissot Artwork and Paintings of the Old Testament -9

Solomon Solomon is made king The wisdom of Solomon Solomon dedicates the temple at Jerusalem The Treasurers and the Keepers of the Vases James Tissot (1836-1902 French) Jewish Museum, New York City The Queen of Sheba visits Solomon Solomon and the Queen of Sheba Solomon and his harem Old Testament Warrior The Priests The Choristers BW Nathan Rebukes David, as in 2 Samuel 120&#..

James Tissot Artwork and Paintings of the Old Testament -8

Abigail Kneels before David (1 Sam 25:23) David Cuts the Skirt of Saul (1 Sam 24:4) David and Saul in the Cave another(1 Sam 24:28) David takes Saul's spear and water bottle (1 Sam 26:12) David stops on a hill (1 Sam 26:13) David returns to Achish (1 Sam 27) Women of Ziklag Taken into Captivity (1 Sam 30:2) An Egyptian is brought to David (1 Sam 30:11) Saul and the Witch of En..

James Tissot Artwork and Paintings of the Old Testament -7

Samuel and Saul Samuel - the Voice of the Lord Saul Meets with Samuel, Saul Sacrifices the Oxen Saul Questions the Young Maidens Saul Prophesies before Samuel Saul Prophesies with the Prophets Samuel and His Two Sons ​Jonathan Tastes of the Honey Samuel at Ramah Samuel Slays Agag Young David Jesse presents his sons to Samuel David Takes Saul the presents from Jesse David..

James Tissot Artwork and Paintings of the Old Testament -6

Joseph Joseph Reveals His Dream to His Brethren, ​1896~1902, ​ gouache on board Joseph Sold Into Egypt, ​1896~1902, ​ gouache on board ​ ​Joseph Converses With Judah, His Brother, 1896~1902, ​ gouache on board ​ ​ Joseph and His Brethren Welcomed by PharaohJoseph and His Brethren Welcomed by Pharaoh​, watercolor &#820..

James Tissot Artwork and Paintings of the Old Testament -5

Moses' Last Days Moses Blesses Joshua Before the High Priest ​Moses and Joshua In the Tabernacle,1896~1902, ​ gouache on board The Mess of Pottage 1896~1902, ​ gouache on board , 21.3 cm x 26.8 cm ​Moses Sees the Promised Land from Afar The Death of Moses The Ark Passes over the Jordan The Seven Trumpets of Jericho 1896~1902,​ gouache on board Jos..

James Tissot Artwork and Paintings of the Old Testament -4

Life in the Desert ​Jethro and Moses, as in Exodus 18, ​1886~1890, watercolor Moses Smiteth the Rock in the Desert,1896~1902, ​ gouache on board Moses Strikes the Rock,1896~1902, ​ gouache on board , Jewish Museum, New York. The Gathering of the Manna, 1896~1902, ​ gouache on board , 29 cm x 24 cm Quails Are Sent to the Israelites (Exodus 16; Numb..

James Tissot Artwork and Paintings of the Old Testament -3

Egypt and the Plagues Moses and Aaron Speak to the People,1896~1902, ​ gouache on board Moses Speaks to Pharaoh,1896~1902, ​ gouache on board , 18.9 cm x 28.6 cm ​ The Rod of Aaron Devours the Other Rods, ​1896~1902, ​ ​ gouache on board Water Is Changed into Blood​, watercolor ​The Plague of FliesThe Plague of Flies, ​1896..

James Tissot Artwork and Paintings of the Old Testament -2

Noah​ God Appears to Noah ,watercolor, 1896–1902, The Jewish Museum, New York. Shem, Ham and Japheth ​, 1896~1902,​ gouache on board​ Building the Ark, 1896~1902, ​gouache on board , 21.5 x 28.8 cm, The Jewish Museum, New York. The Dove Returns to Noah, 1896~1902 The Animals Enter the Ark, 1896~1902, ​ gouache on board , 22.9 cm x 17.4..

James Tissot Artwork and Paintings of the Old Testament -1

Adam and Eve ​Adam Is Tempted by Eve​, gouache on board , 25 cm x 17.6 cm, Jewish Museum, New York Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden,1900-1902, Gouache on board.27.9x20.3 cm Adam and Eve Driven from Paradise, 1896~1902​, gouache on board, 22.6 cm x 31.7cm . Jewish Museum, New York ​ ​ God's Curse, 1896~1902​, ​gouache on board , 18.5 ..