Art and the Bible /arts (그림설명)

Tower of Babel (바벨탑)

바이블엔명화 2016. 4. 13. 23:19







Cornelis Anthonisz 1505 – 1553

The Fall of the Tower of Babel

etching (31 × 37 cm) — 1547

Cornelis Anthonisz biography


This work is linked to Revelation 14:8

계 14:8) ○또 다른 천사 곧 둘째가 그 뒤를 따라 말하되 무너졌도다 무너졌도다 큰 성 바벨론이여 모든 나라에게 그의 음행으로 말미암아 진노의 포도주를 먹이던 자로다 하더라 계18:2, 계16:19, 렘51:7


Impressive etching by Cornelis Anthonisz., a multi-talented artist from Amsterdam. In that city he is still well-known for his detailed maps of the late-medieval city.

The text in the top right reads 'Babelon / Genesis 14'. Originally it read Genesis 11, which makes more sense as that is the chapter where the construction of the tower and the punishment are described. The number 14 probably refers to the chapter about the Last Judgment in the Book of Revelation.

The tower is destroyed by winds and fire from heaven, announced on trumpet by an angel. In the foreground people lay mortally wounded by falling masonry while others flee in all directions.

The text in the top left banner is somewhat strange: "When it was at its highest / it should not do fall". The stone in the bottom left is inscribed with the date 1547.






Pieter Bruegel the Elder ca. 1520 – 1569

The Tower of Babel (Rotterdam)

oil on panel (60 × 75 cm) — 1563

Museum Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam

Pieter Bruegel the Elder biography


This work is linked to Genesis 11:4

(창 11:4) 또 말하되 자, 성읍과 탑을 건설하여 그 탑 꼭대기를 하늘에 닿게 하여 우리 이름을 내고 온 지면에 흩어짐을 면하자 하였더니


The smallest of Bruegel's depictions of the Tower of Babel. The other one is in Vienna.

More information on the Tower of Babel can be found in this article.



Pieter Bruegel the Elder ca. 1520 – 1569

The Tower of Babel (Vienna)

oil on panel (114 × 155 cm) — 1563

 Museum Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna

Pieter Bruegel the Elder biography


This work is linked to Genesis 11:4


This is the oldest and largest of the two remaining copies of Pieter Bruegel's Tower of Babel. The other one is in Rotterdam.

Oak panel.

More information on the Tower of Babel can be found in this article.





Gustave Doré 1832 – 1883

The Confusion of Tongues

engraving — 1865

Gustave Doré biography


This work is linked to Genesis 11:4


Doré based his Tower of Babel on the minaret of the Great Mosque of Samarra, in present day Iraq. The minaret is 52 m high and has a spiralling cone.

On the foreground: the people of the world, punished by the Confusion of the Tongues for their disobedience to God.





Master of the Munich Golden Legend ca. 1400 – 1460

The Tower of Babel

illumination (263 × 184 mm) — c. 1415-1430

Museum British Library, London

Master of the Munich Golden Legend biography


This work is linked to Genesis 11:4

Please scroll down to read more information about this work.


The higher the tower builders get, the more they quarrel. on the top of the tower angels warn them not to continue their haughty plans.

In the foreground to the left the man who ordered the tower looks on. The man with the mantle could be a bishop, waving his finger in a warning manner.

Read more on the Tower of Babel.

This is folio 17v from the Bedford Book of Hours. The richly illustrated manuscript is named after its first owner, the English duke John of Bedford. It was probably made in Paris in a workshop lead by an anonymous artist now known as the Bedford Master. The five full page miniatures with episodes from Genesis have been attributed to another anonymous master, the Master of the Munich Golden Legend.





Lucas van Valckenborch 1535 – 1597

The tower of Babel (1568)

oil on panel (71 × 90 cm) — 1568
private collection

Lucas van Valckenborch biography


This work is linked to Genesis 11:4


This is probably the first Tower of Babel by Van Valckenborch. It is obvious that he had a good look at the Rotterdam Tower of Babel by his contemporary and fellow artist Pieter Bruegel. This tower is also modelled after the Colosseum in Rome.

Like Bruegel in his Vienna Tower Van Valckenborch incorporated the story of Nimrod, the man who supposedly ordered the construction of the tower. He can be seen in the foreground. In the biblical story on the tower, Nimrod is not mentioned.

Other Towers by Van Valckenborch: 1594 and 1595. See also our special on the Tower.





Lucas van Valckenborch 1535 – 1597

The tower of Babel (1594)

oil on panel (41 × 56 cm) — 1594

Museum Musée du Louvre, Paris

Lucas van Valckenborch biography


This work is linked to Genesis 11:4


Other Towers by Van Valckenborch: 1568 and 1595.






Lucas van Valckenborch 1535 – 1597

The tower of Babel (1595)

oil on panel (42 × 68 cm) — 1595

 Museum Mittelrhein-Museum, Koblenz

Lucas van Valckenborch biography


This work is linked to Genesis 11:4


Other Towers by Van Valckenborch: 1568 and 1594.




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