(창 4:1) | 아담이 그의 아내 하와와 1)동침하매 하와가 임신하여 2)가인을 낳고 이르되 내가 여호와로 말미암아 득남하였다 하니라 (창 4:2) | 그가 또 가인의 아우 아벨을 낳았는데 아벨은 양 치는 자였고 가인은 농사하는 자였더라 |
(창 4:3) | 세월이 지난 후에 가인은 땅의 소산으로 제물을 삼아 여호와께 드렸고 |
(창 4:4) | 아벨은 자기도 양의 첫 새끼와 그 기름으로 드렸더니 여호와께서 아벨과 그의 제물은 받으셨으나 |
(창 4:5) | 가인과 그의 제물은 받지 아니하신지라 가인이 몹시 분하여 안색이 변하니 |
(창 4:6) | 여호와께서 가인에게 이르시되 네가 분하여 함은 어찌 됨이며 안색이 변함은 어찌 됨이냐 |
(창 4:7) | 네가 선을 행하면 어찌 낯을 들지 못하겠느냐 선을 행하지 아니하면 죄가 문에 엎드려 있느니라 죄가 너를 원하나 너는 죄를 다스릴지니라 |
(창 4:8) | 가인이 그의 아우 아벨에게 3)말하고 그들이 들에 있을 때에 가인이 그의 아우 아벨을 쳐죽이니라 |
(창 4:9) | 여호와께서 가인에게 이르시되 네 아우 아벨이 어디 있느냐 그가 이르되 내가 알지 못하나이다 내가 내 아우를 지키는 자니이까 |
(창 4:10) | 이르시되 네가 무엇을 하였느냐 네 아우의 핏소리가 땅에서부터 내게 호소하느니라 |
(창 4:11) | 땅이 그 입을 벌려 네 손에서부터 네 아우의 피를 받았은즉 네가 땅에서 저주를 받으리니 ![]() |
(창 4:12) | 네가 밭을 갈아도 땅이 다시는 그 효력을 네게 주지 아니할 것이요 너는 땅에서 피하며 유리하는 자가 되리라 |
(창 4:13) | 가인이 여호와께 아뢰되 내 죄짐을 지기가 너무 무거우니이다 |
(창 4:14) | 주께서 오늘 이 지면에서 나를 쫓아내시온즉 내가 주의 낯을 뵈옵지 못하리니 내가 땅에서 피하며 유리하는 자가 될지라 무릇 나를 만나는 자마다 나를 죽이겠나이다 |
(창 4:15) | 여호와께서 그에게 이르시되 그렇지 아니하다 가인을 죽이는 자는 벌을 칠 배나 받으리라 하시고 가인에게 표를 주사 그를 만나는 모든 사람에게서 죽임을 면하게 하시니라 ![]() |
William Blake 1757 – 1827
Cain flees
mixed techniques on panel (32 × 43 cm) — 1825
This work is linked to Genesis 4:13
Also known as The Body of Abel Found by Adam and Eve.
In 1822 Blake wrote a short story addressed to Lord Byron, who had just published a play on Cain. Blake called it The Spirit of Abel. A Revelation in the Visions of Jehovah, Seen by William Blake. The opening act: "A rocky country. Eve fainted over the dead body of Abel which lays near a grave. Adam kneels by her, Jehovah stands above."
This depiction of that scene was made years later. The burning sun, the dark clouds, the stripes of the wind all emphasize that Cain has just been cursed and that he'd better run.
Blake had a dislike for oil paint. He often experimented with techniques from the pre-Renaissance epoch. For this mahogany panel he used pen and ink and tempera over gold. Unfortunately the mixture turned out to bleach. This photo shows digitally enhanced colours.
Michiel Coxcie 1499 – 1592
The Death of Abel
oil on canvas (151 × 125 cm) — c. 1550
This work is linked to Genesis 4:13
After having killed his brother Abel, Cain is cursed by God and runs away.
In the background are the brother's offerings of which God choose to accept only one. on Abel's body lies the murder weapon: the jawbone of an ass.
Somewhat mediocre painting by Coxcie, made after his return from Italy in 1539.
l Tintoretto 1518 – 1594
Cain and Abel
oil on canvas (149 × 196 cm) — 1550-53
Galleria dell'Accademia, Venice
This work is linked to Genesis 4:8
Cain and Abel were sons of Adam and Eve. Cain was a farmer, Abel was a shepherd. They both brought sacrifices before God, but Cain's offering was rejected. Cain then killed Abel.
Cain was cursed and spent the rest of his life wandering in the land Nod, east of Eden.
Tintoretto was a follower of Michelangelo and Titian. He painted in a style called mannerism, which followed after the Renaissance. The figure of Abel in this painting shows some resemblance to the Abel in Titian's depiction of Cain and Abel.
Pieter Lastman ca. 1583 – 1633
The Lamentation of Abel
oil on panel (67 × 94 cm) — 1623
This work is linked to Genesis 4:13
Adam and Eve mourn for their son Abel, who was slain by his brother Cain.
The smoke on the right comes from the fire the brothers must have lit to make their offerings. Abel's sheep are still around.
The identity of the other figures is unknown. Perhaps Lastman added them to emphasize the tragic character of the scene. Without them it all might seem too peaceful.
Bertram of Minden ca. 1340 – 1414/15
Cain and Abel bring offerings
mixed techniques on panel (84 × 56 cm) — 1383
This work is linked to Genesis 4:3
God accepts the sheep Abel brings, but completely ignores Cain's offering. Cain couldn't quite cope with that rejection.
Abel was a shepherd, his brother Cain worked the land.
The panel is from the Grabow Altarpiece, Master Bertram's main work.
Titian 1487/90 – 1576
Cain and Abel
oil on canvas (298 × 282 cm) — 1542-44
Santa Maria della Salute, Venice
This work is linked to Genesis 4:8
Please scroll down to read more information about this work.
Abel is slain by his brother Cain.
Abel's leg, his left arm and Cain's curved body form part of a circle that makes the picture very dynamic. The effects of the dark sky and the threatening Cain are emphasized by the perspective, which suggests a low point of view.
The painting is now in the church of Santa Maria della Salute in Venice. It was originally made as a ceiling painting for the Santo Spirito in Isola. Titian made two other ceiling paintings for that church, one on David and Goliath and one on the Sacrifice of Isaac.
Jan Lievens 1607 – 1674
Cain kills Abel
woodcarving (42 × 32 cm) — c. 1640
This work is linked to Genesis 4:8
Cain was jealous of his brother Abel because God had accepted Abel's sacrifice and rejected Cain's. Out of anger he killed Abel.
Abel leans on his bended right arm and uses his left arm in an effort to stop his brother.
This print was made when Lievens lived in Antwerp, from 1635 to 1644. In Antwerp prints were popular among artists and buyers, so Lievens decided to pick up the skill he had ignored while in London (1633-35). He even learned a new technique: the woodcut.
Lucas van Leyden 1494 – 1533
Adam and Eve Bemoaning the Death of Abel
engraving (16 × 11 cm) — 1529
University of Michigan Museum of Art, Ann Arbor
This work is linked to Genesis 4:13
Adam and Eve mourn the death of their son Abel, who was killed by his brother Cain.
This is the last print from a series of six by Lucas van Leyden called The history of Adam and Eve.
- The Creation of Eve
- The Test Commandment
- The Fall
- The Expulsion from Paradise
- Cain Kills Abel
- Adam and Eve Mourning over Abel
Lucas van Leyden 1494 – 1533
Cain Kills Abel
engraving (16 × 11 cm) — 1529
This work is linked to Genesis 4:8
Jealous Cain kills his brother Abel. Behind them the fires they used for their offerings are still burning.
Fifth print from a series of six by Lucas van Leyden called The history of Adam and Eve.
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