Art and the Bible /arts (그림설명)

Abraham (아브라함)

바이블엔명화 2016. 4. 15. 08:58







Ferdinand Bol 1616 – 1680

Abraham meets the Three Angels

oil on canvas (404 × 282 cm) — c. 1662

 Museum Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

Ferdinand Bol biography


This work is linked to Genesis 18:2

(창 18:2) 눈을 들어 본즉 사람 셋이 맞은편에 서 있는지라 그가 그들을 보자 곧 장막 문에서 달려나가 영접하며 몸을 땅에 굽혀


Please scroll down to read more information about this work


Abraham is sitting in front of his tent when three men appear before him. He recognizes them as God's messengers and receives them with great hospitality. He gives them bread, butter, and milk and orders a calf to be slaughtered.

Before they leave, the men predict that Abraham's wife Sarah will give birth to a son within a year. Sarah watches from the house. She and her husband were much too old to have children, so they were shocked by the angels' message.

This painting is one in a series of five wall hangings that Bol made for a house on the Nieuwegracht in Utrecht. The other paintings show The Captain of God's Army Appears to Joshua, Pharoah's Daughter Finds Moses, King Cyrus Hands over the Treasure Looted from the Temple of Jerusalem, and Aeneas Receives a New Set of Armour.







Arent de Gelder 1645 – 1727

God and the Angels visit Abraham

oil on canvas (111 × 174 cm) — c. 1680 - 1685

Museum Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam

Arent de Gelder biography


This work is linked to Genesis 18:10

(창 18:10) 그가 이르시되 내년 이맘때 내가 반드시 네게로 돌아오리니 네 아내 사라에게 아들이 있으리라 하시니 사라가 그 뒤 장막 문에서 들었더라



Three men visit Abraham who receives them with great hospitality. one of the men predicts that Abraham and his wife Sarah will give birth to a son within one year - despite their age.

The three visitors are usually depicted as angels or simply as men, as described in Genesis 18. De Gelder must have read the translator's notes in the Dutch authorized version of 1637, where it is claimed that the three men were in fact two angels and God himself, appearing as humans for the occasion. De Gelder's teacher Rembrandt made an etching in 1656 where he too depicts one of the men as an elderly, bearded man.

Showing God as a man was very rare in the arts and not undisputed. In the catholic interpretation of Genesis 18, the three men are symbols of the Holy Trinity and should therefore be depicted in a mutually similar manner. In the northern Netherlands the dominant religion since the 1560's was calvinism, which prohibited depicting God as a man all the way. It was seen as breaking the second commandment.

De Gelder shows the group seated around a table. In Genesis the episode takes place outside Abraham's tent, and the group was probably sitting on the ground.

The old man's robe is not really painted. De Gelder applied a thick layer of paint with a palette knife and then carved lines into the paint. The two tassels are actually carved paint ridges. Such techniques are referred to as impasto.






Il Guercino (Giovanni Francesco Barbieri) 1591 – 1666

Abraham Casting Out Hagar and Ishmael

oil on canvas (115 × 154 cm) — 1657

 Museum Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan

Il Guercino (Giovanni Francesco Barbieri) biography


This work is linked to Genesis 21:14

(창 21:14) 아브라함이 아침에 일찍이 일어나 떡과 물 한 가죽부대를 가져다가 하갈의 어깨에 메워 주고 그 아이를 데리고 가게 하니 하갈이 나가서 브엘세바 광야에서 방황하더니


Little Ishmael cries as his father, Abraham, tells him and his mother Hagar to leave the house. Abraham's pregnant wife Sarah turns her back on the scene; it is she who insisted that Abraham sends away the slave woman and her son.

This is the second time Hagar is sent off into the desert. When she was pregnant with Ishmael, barren Sarah dismissed her because she suspected her of contempt.





Pieter Lastman ca. 1583 – 1633

Abraham Casting Out Hagar and Ishmael

oil on panel (48 × 71 cm) — 1612

Museum Kunsthalle, Hamburg

Pieter Lastman biography


This work is linked to Genesis 21:14

(창 21:14)

아브라함이 아침에 일찍이 일어나 떡과 물 한 가죽부대를 가져다가 하갈의 어깨에 메워 주고 그 아이를 데리고 가게 하니 하갈이 나가서 브엘세바 광야에서 방황하더니


When Abraham's wife Sara bears him a child at a very advanced age, Abraham decides to get rid of his slave-girl Hagar and their son Ishmael. Here the two are sent into the desert.





Pieter Lastman ca. 1583 – 1633

Abraham on the Way to Canaan

oil on canvas (72 × 122 cm) — 1614

Museum Hermitage, St. Petersburg

Pieter Lastman biography


This work is linked to Genesis 12:7

(창 12:7) 여호와께서 아브람에게 나타나 이르시되 내가 이 땅을 네 자손에게 주리라 하신지라 자기에게 나타나신 여호와께 그가 그 곳에서 제단을 쌓고


Abraham follows God's order when he leaves Mesopotamia for the land Canaan. He takes his whole extended family with him. In Canaan he travels on to the oak grove Moreh, near a place called Sichem.

In this painting Lastman shows the moment God speaks to Abraham from the oak grove. He tells Abraham that the land will belong to his offspring.

It was originally painted on a panel and later transfered to canvas.





Peter Paul Rubens 1577 – 1640

Abraham Meets Melchizedek

oil on panel (66 × 82 cm) — ca. 1625

Museum National Gallery of Art, Washington DC

Peter Paul Rubens biography


This work is linked to Genesis 14:18

(창 14:18) 살렘 왕 멜기세덱이 떡과 포도주를 가지고 나왔으니 그는 지극히 높으신 하나님의 제사장이었더라


Melchizedek was king of Salem (presumably Jerusalem) and high-priest of the local sanctuary. He received Abram (Abraham) with bread and wine blessing him and granting him the authority to decide how the tithes were spent. These tithes were in fact a sort of tax, the returns of which were meant for the sanctuary. The right to allocate these funds would be transferred from one king or priest to the next, befalling David in his turn when he conquered Jerusalem. Abraham at the time was caught up in several conflicts and was happy to receive support from Melchizedek.





Peter Paul Rubens 1577 – 1640

Hagar Leaves the House of Abraham

oil on panel (63 × 76 cm) — c. 1615-1617

Museum Hermitage, St. Petersburg

Peter Paul Rubens biography


This work is linked to Genesis 16:6

(창 16:6) 아브람사래에게 이르되 당신의 여종은 당신의 수중에 있으니 당신의 눈에 좋을 대로 그에게 행하라 하매 사래하갈을 학대하였더니 하갈사래 앞에서 도망하였더라


Abraham and Sarah could not get children of their own. Sarah suggested that he would sleep with Hagar, their Egyptian maid. Thus Hagar became pregnant. Now Sarah thought she saw contempt in Hagar's eyes. With Abraham's consent she made hagar leave the house.

Rubens shows an aggrieved but also proud Hagar. To the left is angry Sarah, with one hand on her hip. Abraham stands in the doorway and watches.

In a letter Rubens called the panel "una galatanteria", a galant work on a subject worldy nor spiritual.






Giovan Battista Tiepolo 1696 – 1770

The Angels Appear to Abraham

fresco (400 × 200 cm) — 1726 - 1729

 Museum Palazzo Patriarcale, Udine

Giovan Battista Tiepolo biography


This work is linked to Genesis 18:2

(창 18:2) 눈을 들어 본즉 사람 셋이 맞은편에 서 있는지라 그가 그들을 보자 곧 장막 문에서 달려나가 영접하며 몸을 땅에 굽혀





Giovan Battista Tiepolo 1696 – 1770

The Sacrifice of Melchizedek

oil on canvas (1000 × 525 cm) — 1740-42

Museum Basilica San Lorenzo, Verolanuova

Giovan Battista Tiepolo biography


This work is linked to Genesis 14:18

(창 14:18) 살렘 왕 멜기세덱이 떡과 포도주를 가지고 나왔으니 그는 지극히 높으신 하나님의 제사장이었더라


Large canvass by Tiepolo in the Parish Church of Verolanuova. Ref. The Gathering of Manna

Melchizedek was king of Jerusalem. Abraham, then called Abram, had safely transferred the family and possessions of his cousin Lot to Sodom, from which they had been driven by one of the many regional kings. Out of admiration and respect Melchizedek brings Abraham bread and wine. In addition Abraham and his descendants will henceforth dispose of tithes to maintain the sanctuary in the city.




Lucas van Leyden 1494 – 1533

Abraham and the Three Angels

copper-plate (18 × 13 cm) — 1513

 Museum Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

Lucas van Leyden biography


This work is linked to Genesis 18:2

(창 18:2) 눈을 들어 본즉 사람 셋이 맞은편에 서 있는지라 그가 그들을 보자 곧 장막 문에서 달려나가 영접하며 몸을 땅에 굽혀


Please scroll down to read more information about this work.


Abraham is sitting in front of his tent on the plains of Mamre when three men appear before him. He reckognizes them as God's messenger and receives them with great hospitality. He gives them bread, butter, and milk and orders a calf to be slaughtered.

Before they leave, the men predict that Abraham's wife Sarah will give birth to a son within a year. Sarah can't surpress her laughter, as she and her husband are much to old to have any children.

Through the three men Abraham then has a discussion with God about the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Abraham succeeds in convincing his Lord that he should let the righteous citizens escape.

In Genesis 21 Sarah will indeed give birth to a son.




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