Ferdinand Bol 1616 – 1680
David's Dying Charge to Solomon
oil on canvas (171 × 230 cm) — 1643
National Gallery of Ireland, Dublin
This work is linked to 1 Chronicles 28:9
(대상 28:9) | 내 아들 솔로몬아 너는 네 아버지의 하나님을 알고 온전한 마음과 기쁜 뜻으로 섬길지어다 여호와께서는 모든 마음을 감찰하사 모든 의도를 아시나니 네가 만일 그를 찾으면 만날 것이요 만일 네가 그를 버리면 그가 너를 영원히 버리시리라 |
As promised the dying king David appoints his son Solomon to heir. He also gives him some instructions. The sword, crown and scepter all point to the kingdom that this all is about. To the right, Solomon's mother Bathsheba looks on.
According to traditional law, Solomon's elder half-brother Adonijah was entitled to the throne. But Bathsheba had managed to convince David that Solomon would be a better choice.
Willem de Poorter 1608 – 1649
The Idolatry of King Solomon
oil on panel (63 × 49 cm) — c. 1640
This work is linked to 1 Kings 11:4
(왕상 11:4) | 솔로몬의 나이가 많을 때에 그의 여인들이 그의 마음을 돌려 다른 신들을 따르게 하였으므로 왕의 마음이 그의 아버지 다윗의 마음과 같지 아니하여 그의 하나님 여호와 앞에 온전하지 못하였으니 |
Surrounded by women King Solomon kneels before a pedestal with statues of Venus and Cupid, symbols of earthly love. To the left a man brings firewood; perhaps an offering is about to take place.
De Poorter made this painting between 1630 and 1648.
Giorgione 1477 – 1510
Solomon's Judgment
oil on panel (89 × 72 cm) — 1500-1501
Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence
This work is linked to 1 Kings 3:25
(왕상 3:25) | 왕이 이르되 산 아이를 둘로 나누어 반은 이 여자에게 주고 반은 저 여자에게 주라 |
Two women claim to be the mother of one child. When king Solomon decides that the child is to be cut in half, one woman relinquishes her claims, thus disclosing her identity as the true mother.
Together with this painting, Giorgione made a depiction of the story of the fire probe of Moses. That also is a story where someone has to prove his sincerity before a king.
Peter Paul Rubens 1577 – 1640
The Judgement of Solomon
oil on canvas (234 × 303 cm) — c. 1617
Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen
This work is linked to 1 Kings 3:25
(왕상 3:25) | 왕이 이르되 산 아이를 둘로 나누어 반은 이 여자에게 주고 반은 저 여자에게 주라 |
Two women both have one child. When one of the children dies, his mother says the other child is actually her's.
The conflict is brought before king Solomon. The dead child is on the floor. The king orders a soldier to divide the living child in two, so that both women can have a half.
The woman to the left protests and tells the king to give the child to the other woman, so that it will live.
Rubens helps us to discern the real mother by his use of colour. She is dressed in yellow, similar in warmth to the king's robe. The other woman wears a dress in a very light colour, cold as the soldier's blue.
Most of the actual painting was probably done by members of Rubens' workshop.
Jan van Scorel 1495 – 1562
Landscape with Bathsheba
oil on panel (100 × 204 cm) — c. 1545
This work is linked to 2 Samuel 11:2
(삼하 11:2) | ○저녁 때에 다윗이 그의 침상에서 일어나 왕궁 옥상에서 거닐다가 그 곳에서 보니 한 여인이 목욕을 하는데 심히 아름다워 보이는지라 |
One night, on looking out from his window, King David happens to see a beautiful woman taking a bath. He falls for her charms and makes her his mistress. To be rid of the husband, David has the poor fellow sent off to war, never to return. David then proceeds to marry the widow Bathsheba.
The couple has five children. The first son dies; the second is Solomon. Through her schemes and machinations Bathsheba manages to make him king.
This is the last known work of Van Scorel's.
Giovan Battista Tiepolo 1696 – 1770
The Judgment of Solomon
fresco (360 × 655 cm) — 1726 - 1729
Giovan Battista Tiepolo biography
This work is linked to 1 Kings 3:25
(왕상 3:25) | 왕이 이르되 산 아이를 둘로 나누어 반은 이 여자에게 주고 반은 저 여자에게 주라 |
Two women claim to be the mother of a child; one of them really is the mother, the other has just lost her child. King Solomon sees that they are unable to reach an agreement, and rules that the child be divided between them - literally.
When the soldier raises his sword, one of the women drops her claim. She is the real mother, who puts the life of her child above all else.
This painting is one more of the large frescos Tiepolo made in the bishop's palace in Udine.
Salomon de Bray 1597 – 1664
The Queen of Sheba in Jerusalem
oil on panel (58 × 103 cm) — 1657
This work is linked to 1 Kings 10:10
(왕상 10:10) | 이에 그가 금 일백이십 달란트와 심히 많은 향품과 보석을 왕에게 드렸으니 스바의 여왕이 솔로몬 왕에게 드린 것처럼 많은 향품이 다시 오지 아니하였더라 |
At the entrance of the temple king Solomon receives the queen of Sheba. He is dressed in a red gown; she wears a blue robe. The queen had come to Jerusalem to investigate Solomon's proclaimed wisdom. Before she left she tells him that she is indeed very much impressed.
In the background priests are at work in the sanctuary of the temple. Against the walls are large menorahs, Jewish candelabra.
Most attention in the painting goes to the architecture of the huge temple. Salomon de Bray, an architect himself, shows a building in classical style, with lots of marble. The Bible only mentions cedar wood and gold, and bronze for the pillars.
On the pedestals of the pillars are inscriptions, that correspond to the names of the pillars as mentioned in 1 Kings 7. Left: Jachin (God establishes); right: Booz (in him is our strength).
The Frans Hals Museum acquired this panel in 2011. The full title is The Queen of Sheba before the Temple of King Solomon in Jerusalem.
Duccio di Buoninsegna ca. 1255 – 1319
King Solomon
tempera on panel (42 × 16 cm) — 1308-11
Museo dell'Opera Metropolitana del Duomo, Siena
Duccio di Buoninsegna biography
This work is linked to Psalms 72:10
(시 72:10) | 다시스와 섬의 왕들이 조공을 바치며 스바와 시바 왕들이 예물을 드리리로다 |
The text on the scroll is from psalm 72. That is why the figure is thought to be king Solomon.
Hans Holbein the Younger 1497/8 – 1543
Solomon Receives the Queen of Sheba
pen and brush on vellum (23 × 18 cm) — ca. 1535
Hans Holbein the Younger biography
This work is linked to 1 Kings 10:4
(왕상 10:4 | 스바의 여왕이 솔로몬의 모든 지혜와 그 건축한 왕궁과 |
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