Art and the Bible /arts (그림설명)

Ruth (룻)

바이블엔명화 2016. 4. 19. 23:20








Pieter Lastman ca. 1583 – 1633

Ruth Declares her Loyalty to Naomi

oil on panel (65 × 89 cm) — 1614

Museum Niedersächsisches Landesmuseum, Hannover

Pieter Lastman biography


This work is linked to Ruth 1:16

(룻 1:16) 룻이 이르되 내게 어머니를 떠나며 어머니를 따르지 말고 돌아가라 강권하지 마옵소서 어머니께서 가시는 곳에 나도 가고 어머니께서 머무시는 곳에서 나도 머물겠나이다 어머니의 백성이 나의 백성이 되고 어머니의 하나님이 나의 하나님이 되시리니


The widow Ruth lives in the land Moab, as does her mother-in-law Naomi. When Naomi wants to return to Bethlehem, where she was born, Ruth wants to go with her. To convince Naomi to take her, Ruth promises never to leave her.






Michelangelo Buonarroti 1475 – 1564


fresco — 1508-1512

Museum Sistine Chapel, Vatican City

Michelangelo Buonarroti biography


This work is linked to Ruth 2:1

(룻 2:1) 나오미의 남편 엘리멜렉의 친족으로 1)유력한 자가 있으니 그의 이름은 보아스더라 룻3:2


Boaz was a wealthy farmer from Bethlehem, married to Ruth. He is one of David's and Jesus' ancestors.

This is one of the frescoes in the arches above the windows in the Sistine Chapel.

In the other half of this arch are Ruth and her son Obed.






Michelangelo Buonarroti 1475 – 1564

Ruth and Obed

fresco — 1508-1512

Museum Sistine Chapel, Vatican City

Michelangelo Buonarroti biography


This work is linked to Ruth 4:17

(룻 4:17)

그의 이웃 여인들이 그에게 이름을 지어 주되 나오미에게 아들이 태어났다 하여 그의 이름을 오벳이라 하였는데 그는 다윗아버지인 이새의 아버지였더라


This is Ruth holding the infant Obed, her and Boaz' son. Obed would become king David's grandfather.

The woman could also be Naomi, Ruth's mother-in-law from a previous marriage. She nursed the child.

The fresco is the left half of one of the arches in the Sistine Chapel. The other half shows Boaz.






Nicolas Poussin 1593/94 – 1665

Summer (Boaz and Ruth)

oil on canvas (118 × 160 cm) — 1660-1664

Museum Musée du Louvre, Paris

Nicolas Poussin biography


This work is linked to Ruth 2:10

(룻 2:10) 룻이 엎드려 얼굴을 땅에 대고 절하며 그에게 이르되 나는 이방 여인이거늘 당신이 어찌하여 내게 은혜를 베푸시며 나를 돌보시나이까 하니


Part of a series with a seasonal theme. Poussin painted the works in Rome, commissioned by the Duke of Richelieu.

The widow Ruth kneels before Boaz, a rich farmer from Bethlehem. Soon after they would be married.







Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn 1606 – 1669

Boaz pouring Six Measures of Barley into Ruth's veil

pen drawing (13 × 14 cm) — c. 1645

Museum Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn biography


This work is linked to Ruth 3:15

(룻 3:15) 보아스가 이르되 네 겉옷을 가져다가 그것을 펴서 잡으라 하매 그것을 펴서 잡으니 보리를 여섯 번 되어 에게 1)지워 주고 성읍으로 들어가니라


The widow Ruth receives 6 measures of barley from Boaz, a rich farmer remotely related to Ruth's mother-in-law Naomi. Ruth was collecting ears of corn on Boaz's field. Boaz had heard that Ruth had looked after Naomi quite unselfishly, and he thought she deserved a good turn.

The two faces show strong affection: Ruth is grateful for the barley and Boaz is happy to help the woman about whom he had heard so many good things.