Art and the Bible /arts (그림설명)

David (다윗)

바이블엔명화 2016. 4. 22. 00:27






Ferdinand Bol 1616 – 1680

David's Dying Charge to Solomon

oil on canvas (171 × 230 cm) — 1643

Museum National Gallery of Ireland, Dublin

Ferdinand Bol biography


This work is linked to 1 Chronicles 28:9

(대상 28:9) 내 아들 솔로몬아 너는 네 아버지의 하나님을 알고 온전한 마음과 기쁜 뜻으로 섬길지어다 여호와께서는 모든 마음을 감찰하사 모든 의도를 아시나니 네가 만일 그를 찾으면 만날 것이요 만일 네가 그를 버리면 그가 너를 영원히 버리시리라


As promised the dying king David appoints his son Solomon to heir. He also gives him some instructions. The sword, crown and scepter all point to the kingdom that this all is about. To the right, Solomon's mother Bathsheba looks on.

According to traditional law, Solomon's elder half-brother Adonijah was entitled to the throne. But Bathsheba had managed to convince David that Solomon would be a better choice.





Jan de Bray 1627 – 1697

David Playing the Harp Ahead of the Ark

oil on canvas (142 × 154 cm) — 1670
private collection

Jan de Bray biography


This work is linked to 2 Samuel 6:14

(삼하 6:14) 다윗이 여호와 앞에서 힘을 다하여 춤을 추는데 그 때에 다윗이 베 에봇을 입었더라


King David leads the group that carries the Ark of the Covenant into Jerusalem. It had been stolen by the Philistines. They returned it because it only brought them misfortune.

David was addressed by his wife Michal for his cheerful behaviour. She felt he lost his royal dignity with his singing and dancing.

According to the story in the Bible, David was half-naked. De Bray choose to show him fully dressed.





Arent de Gelder 1645 – 1727

Ahimelech giving Goliath's sword to David

oil on canvas (90 × 132 cm) — c. 1680

Museum J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles

Arent de Gelder biography


This work is linked to 1 Samuel 21:9

(삼상 21:9) 제사장이 이르되 네가 엘라 골짜기에서 죽인 블레셋 사람 골리앗의 칼이 보자기에 싸여 에봇 뒤에 있으니 네가 그것을 가지려거든 가지라 여기는 그것밖에 다른 것이 없느니라 하는지라 다윗이 이르되 그같은 것이 또 없나니 내게 주소서 하더라 삼상17:54


Ahimelech was a priest in the city of Nob, where the unarmed David had just arrived. The priest gave the sword of Goliath to David, who had won it in battle with the Philistine giant. The sword was widely seen as a symbol of power. When king Saul heard of all this, he had Ahimelech and many other priests killed for helping David.

To be more precise: 85 priests were killed, and all other citizens of Nob, including women and children. Remember that this is the Old Testament: no half measures.

This is a subject that has only rarely been depicted in art. De Gelder borrowed it from a series of engravings on David by Philips Galle.

Just like his master Rembrandt De Gelder used a knife or the back of his brush to scratch the paint, in order to create contrasting highlights. It can be seen very well in the priest's hairdress. Other influences of Rembrandt are the dark colours and half-length figures.





Arent de Gelder 1645 – 1727

David Plays for Saul

oil on canvas (66 × 59 cm) — 1682

Museum Kunsthalle, Bremen

Arent de Gelder biography


This work is linked to 1 Samuel 18:10

(삼상 18:10) ○그 이튿날 하나님께서 부리시는 악령이 사울에게 힘 있게 내리매 그가 집 안에서 정신 없이 떠들어대므로 다윗이 평일과 같이 손으로 수금을 타는데 그 때에 사울의 손에 창이 있는지라 삼상16:14, 삼상9:24, 삼상16:23


As often David plays the harp. King David listens absent-minded. At that moment an evil spirit makes him throw his spear at David.

De Gelder was probably inspired by his teacher Rembrandt's Saul and David.





Arent de Gelder 1645 – 1727

King David

oil on canvas (109 × 114 cm) — 1680-85

 Museum Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

Arent de Gelder biography


This work is linked to 2 Samuel 23:1

(삼하 23:1) 이는 다윗의 마지막 말이라 이새의 아들 다윗이 말함이여 높이 세워진 자, 야곱의 하나님께로부터 기름 부음 받은 자, 이스라엘의 노래 잘 하는 자가 말하노라


De Gelder paid much attention to David's robe.





Pieter Lastman ca. 1583 – 1633

David hands the Letter to Uriah

oil on canvas (42 × 63 cm) — 1619

 Museum Mauritshuis, The Hague

Pieter Lastman biography


This work is linked to 2 Samuel 11:14

(삼하 11:4) 다윗이 전령을 보내어 그 여자를 자기에게로 데려오게 하고 그 여자가 그 부정함을 깨끗하게 하였으므로 더불어 동침하매 그 여자가 자기 집으로 돌아가니라


King David has fallen for Bathsheba, wife of Uriah, one of his best warriors. To be rid of Uriah, David sends orders to his captain Joab to put Uriah in the front line. David has Uriah deliver the letter containing his own death sentence.

Uriah dies in battle, and David marries Bathsheba. From this marriage Solomon is born, who will succeed David.

This Lastman work belongs to the Goudstikker collection.





Michelangelo Buonarroti 1475 – 1564


marble (5.17 m (17'), incl. pedestal) — 1501-1504

Museum Galleria dell'Accademia, Florence

Michelangelo Buonarroti biography


This work is linked to 1 Samuel 17:20

(삼상 17:20) 다윗이 아침에 일찍이 일어나서 양을 양 지키는 자에게 맡기고 이새가 명령한 대로 가지고 가서 진영에 이른즉 마침 군대가 전장에 나와서 싸우려고 고함치며,


This may be Michelangelo's most famous sculpture. It certainly is one of the highlights of Renaissance art. It shows David as he is preparing to attack the giant Goliath. The work was commissioned by the Florentine nobleman Piero Soderini.

The torso is proportionally oversized. This was probably done because the work was to be put on a high pedestal. When one looks up to the David from way down, perspective creates the correct proportions.

David spent more than 300 years in the open air, on the Piazza Signoria in Florence. The sculpture was moved to the Accademia in 1873. A copy was placed on the Piazza in 1910. This photo was taken before the sculpture was cleaned in 2004.






Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn 1606 – 1669

David's Farewell to Jonathan

oil on panel (73 × 61 cm) — 1642

 Museum Hermitage, St. Petersburg

Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn biography


This work is linked to 1 Samuel 20:41

(삼상 20:41) 아이가 가매 다윗이 곧 바위 남쪽에서 일어나서 땅에 엎드려 세 번 절한 후에 서로 입 맞추고 같이 울되 다윗이 더욱 심하더니


Jonathan was the son of king Saul and a close friend of David. Saul has decided to have David killed, as he sees him as a rival to his throne. David has to flee. Here he says farewell to Jonathan.

Rembrandt shows Jonathan as the older of the two friends. David is wearing beautiful cloths and a sword - probably the sword and cloths Jonathan gave him earlier.

The painting was bought for the collection of czar Peter the Great of Russia at an auction in Amsterdam in 1716.




Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn 1606 – 1669

Saul and David (1655-1660)

oil on canvas (130 × 164 cm) — 1655 - 1660

 Museum Mauritshuis, The Hague

Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn biography


This work is linked to 1 Samuel 18:10

(삼상 18:10) ○그 이튿날 하나님께서 부리시는 악령이 사울에게 힘 있게 내리매 그가 집 안에서 정신 없이 떠들어대므로 다윗이 평일과 같이 손으로 수금을 타는데 그 때에 사울의 손에 창이 있는지라 삼상16:14, 삼상9:24, 삼상16:23


David has beaten the Philistines and is returning to the court of King Saul. The superstitious king considers David a threat to his already weakened position. We see him trying to think of a way to get rid of the young hero. At the same, he is moved by David's harp playing - Saul dries his eyes with a curtain.

The people would probably rise against him if he were to kill David. The spear in his hand is useless, although in a flash of anger he does try to kill David with it. So he promotes David to "captain over a thousand", hoping he will die in battle.

In Rembrandt's painting, the old suffering king is clearly touched by David's playing. David is completely absorbed in his music.

It is a much more melancholic and touching interpretation than his earlier rendition of the same episode, which Rembrandt created in 1630.

The attribution to Rembrandt was a point of discussion until it was confirmed by an international team of experts in 2015.





Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn 1606 – 1669

Saul and David (c. 1630)

oil on panel (62 × 50 cm) — c. 1630

 Museum Städel Museum, Frankfurt am Main

Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn biography


This work is linked to 1 Samuel 18:10

(삼상 18:10) ○그 이튿날 하나님께서 부리시는 악령이 사울에게 힘 있게 내리매 그가 집 안에서 정신 없이 떠들어대므로 다윗이 평일과 같이 손으로 수금을 타는데 그 때에 사울의 손에 창이 있는지라 삼상16:14, 삼상9:24, 삼상16:23


Twenty years on, Rembrandt made another painting with David playing the harp before Saul.





Peter Paul Rubens 1577 – 1640

The Meeting of David and Abigail

oil on panel (45 × 68 cm) — c. 1630

 Museum National Gallery of Art, Washington DC

Peter Paul Rubens biography


This work is linked to 1 Samuel 25:24

(삼상 25:24) 그가 다윗의 발에 엎드려 이르되 내 주여 원하건대 이 죄악을 나 곧 내게로 돌리시고 여종에게 주의 귀에 말하게 하시고 이 여종의 말을 들으소서


David had fled for king Saul and is hiding in the mountains near the Dead Sea. He and his men need provisions. David sends ten men to Nabal, a rich farmer whose herds graze in the area. They kindly ask Nabal whether he could provide some food for David's small army. Nabal curtly refuses and offends David. When the men return empty handed and tell of their meeting with Nabal, David sets of in anger and decides to annihilate Nabal and his people.

One of Nabal's assistants warns Abigail, Nabal's wise and attractive wife. Without hesitation she gathers all sorts of food and sets out towards David. When they meet, David is impressed by her action and appearance. He accepts her plea and lets the matter rest.

When Nabal hears of his wife's actions, he dies within ten days. Abigail would later become one of David's many wives.

PP Rubens: David and AbigailRubens had given attention to the story previously. His workshop produced an almost identical painting a few years before he made this panel. It is larger and painted on canvas. It is in the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles.











Jan Havicksz. Steen ca. 1626 – 1679

David's Triumphant Return

oil on canvas (107 × 159 cm) — 1671

 Museum Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen

Jan Havicksz. Steen biography


This work is linked to 1 Samuel 18:6

(삼상 18:6) ○무리가 돌아올 때 곧 다윗블레셋 사람을 죽이고 돌아올 때에 여인들이 이스라엘 모든 성읍에서 나와서 노래하며 춤추며 소고와 경쇠를 가지고 왕 사울을 환영하는데



David returns to Jerusalem after having defeated the Philistines and their giant Goliath. He is greeted by celebrations and dancing women. David carries Goliath's huge sword. In the background are Jerusalem's city walls.

During the festivities king Saul was grieved when he noticed that David was much more popular than he.

The canvas could use some cleaning: the colours are not as vivid as Steen probably painted them.

There is text on the pillar that the kid is looking at. Loosely translated from 17th century Dutch it reads:

Soli Deo Gloria
It has pleased God
That David has dared
To beat Goliath
And hurt Saul in his heart
Victorious he steps forth
Here welcomed by his bride.





James Tissot 1836 – 1902

Michal Despises David

watercolour — c. 1898

James Tissot biography


This work is linked to 2 Samuel 6:16

(삼하 6:16)

여호와의 궤가 다윗 성으로 들어올 때에 사울의 딸 미갈이 창으로 내다보다가 다윗 왕이 여호와 앞에서 뛰놀며 춤추는 것을 보고 심중에 그를 업신여기니라


David's wife Michal and some other women watch the entry of the Ark of the Covenant into Jerusalem. David leads the group, singing and dancing, only wearing his undergown. Michal, daughter of king Saul's, thinks that such behaviour is not appropriate for such an important event. Deep in her heart she despises David for it.

She addresses David about his behaviour. He says that he wants to make music in front of God. To him, the matter is closed. Michal would not have any children.





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