Art and the Bible /arts (그림설명)

The Sermon on the Mount (산상수훈)

바이블엔명화 2016. 3. 10. 23:08





(마 5:2) 입을 열어 가르쳐 이르시되






Fra Angelico 1387 – 1455

The Sermon on the Mount

fresco — 1436 - 1443

Museum Museo di San Marco, Florence

Fra Angelico biography


This work is linked to Matthew 5:2


This is one of the frescoes Fra Angelico painted on the cell walls of the San Marco Convent, Florence. This one is in cell 32.

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus offers his interpretation of the Ten Commandments and other elements from the Old Testament. There is an obvious resemblance to Moses descending the mountain.

There is some symbolism in the colours in Jesus's clothes. The red is for blood and thus symbolizes his human side, while the blue symbolizes divinity.







Cosimo Rosselli 1439 – 1507

The sermon on the mount

fresco (349 × 570 cm) — 1481-1482

Museum Sistine Chapel, Vatican City

Cosimo Rosselli biography


This work is linked to Matthew 5:2


A fresco on the northern wall of the Sistine Chapel. It is part of the series on the life of Jesus.

In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus handed out the rules that would become the Christian guidelines. Opposite this fresco Rosselli made a fresco where Moses receives the Tables with the Law: the Jewish guidelines.

To the right another episode is shown: the healing of a leper.