Art and the Bible /arts (그림설명)

St John the Baptist (세례요한)

바이블엔명화 2016. 3. 10. 23:04




(마 3:1) 그 때에 1)세례 요한이 이르러 유대 광야에서 전파하여 말하되






Caravaggio 1573 – 1610

St John the Baptist (1602)

oil on canvas (129 × 94 cm) — 1602

 Museum Galleria Capitolina, Rome

Caravaggio biography


This work is linked to Matthew 3:1

Please scroll down to read more information about this work.


There has been much debate on the subject of this painting. It could be Isaac, petting the ram that is to be slaughtered by Abraham. It could even be some pastoral scene. However, from the administration of Ciriaco Mattei, who had commissioned the work, it appears that he paid for a St John the Baptist. Ciriaco was the brother of Cardinal Mattei, in whose Roman palazzo Caravaggio lived between 1601 and 1603.

The Galleria Doria-Pamphili has an almost exact copy of this painting, most likely made by Caravaggio himself.

Other John the Baptists by Caravaggio: 1604 and 1609.





Caravaggio 1573 – 1610

St John the Baptist (1604)

oil on canvas (172 × 104 cm) — c. 1604

Museum Nelson-Atkins Museum, Kansas City, Missouri

Caravaggio biography


This work is linked to Matthew 3:1

St. John seems a little downcast in this painting. Maybe his life as a prophet in the desert was harsh. However, he also seems determined to call all sinners to repentance.

The background, with its trees and leaves, seems a bit too artificial to be true. It makes the painting resemble a studio picture.

Other Baptists by Caravaggio: 1602 and 1609.






Caravaggio 1573 – 1610

St John the Baptist (1609/10)

oil on canvas (159 × 124 cm) — 1609 or 1610

Museum Galleria Borghese, Rome

Caravaggio biography


This work is linked to Matthew 3:1


This version of The Baptist was made while Caravaggio was staying in Naples, before he undertook his last journey to Rome. The prophet John is shown with his usual attributes: a sheep (or lamb) and a walking stick.

Other John the Baptists by Caravaggio: 1602 and 1604.