(마 2:14) | 요셉이 일어나서 밤에 아기와 그의 어머니를 데리고 애굽으로 떠나가 |
Caravaggio 1573 – 1610
Flight into Egypt
oil on canvas (130 × 160 cm) — c. 1595
This work is linked to Matthew 2:14
An angel has warned Joseph about Herod's plans to have his newborn son killed. The Holy Family flees into Egypt; here they are shown resting. Their means of transport, a donkey, watches them from the background.
The music that Joseph holds in his hands was written by Noel Bauldewijn in honor of Mary: Quam pulchra es, How beautiful you are (based on a verse in the Song of Songs). The heavenly atmosphere is strengthened by the fact that the violin is played by an angel.
Albrecht Dürer 1471 – 1528
Seven Sorrows: The Flight into Egypt
oil on panel (63 × 46 cm) — 1495-1496
Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, Dresden
This work is linked to Matthew 2:14
Jospeh is depicted as an every-day traveller without halo. Mary looks tired. The wind plays with her headscarf.
Second panel out of Dürer's series of seven on The Seven Sorrows of Mary.
- Circumcision
- Flight into Egypt
- Among the Doctors
- Carrying the Cross
- Crucifixion
- On the Cross
- Lamentation
Bertram of Minden ca. 1340 – 1414/15
Rest on the Flight into Egypt
mixed techniques on panel (84 × 56 cm) — 1383
This work is linked to Matthew 2:14
This is one of the panels of the Grabow altarpiece, Bertram's major work.
Titian 1487/90 – 1576
The Flight into Egypt
oil on canvas (206 × 336 cm) — c. 1508
This work is linked to Matthew 2:14
Mary rides on a donkey, her child on her lap. Joseph follows. The group is lead by a youth, perhaps the angel who according to tradition accompanied them.
This is a work by a young Titian, probably made in 1507 or 1508. It is obvious that the painter must have enjoyed depicting the landscape. It all looks happy and fresh.
Catherine the Great acquired this canvas in 1768 in Venice. It has recently been restored. This picture shows the state it was in before the restoration.
Van Limburg brothers 1375 – 1416
The Flight into Egypt
illuminated manuscript — 1408-09
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Van Limburg brothers biography
This work is linked to Matthew 2:14
Folio 63r from Les Belles Heures du Duc de Berry, illuminated by the Van Limburg brothers. In a dream, Joseph had been warned about king Herod's plan to kill his young son. Here, an angel leads the family to safety.
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