(마 10:3) | 빌립과 바돌로매, 도마와 세리 마태, 알패오의 아들 야고보와 다대오, |
Caravaggio 1573 – 1610
St Matthew and the Angel
oil on canvas (297 × 189 cm) — 1602
This work is linked to Matthew 10:3
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Matthew is portrayed in a remarkable pose – not as one would expect a devout evangelist to be depicted. Caravaggio made an earlier version of the painting, but the commissioner refused it because of its lack of decorum. This work was sadly lost during WW2. It would seem as if the painter did not compromise his intentions, however – this time the evangelist has dirty feet. It is clear that the angel is dictating something. Judging from his fingers he is enumerating. Maybe it is an opening chapter - often a long list of the forefathers of Jesus. This work, together with The Martyrdom of St Matthew and The Calling of St Matthew, form what is known as the San Luigi dei Francesi-cycle. | |
Caravaggio 1573 – 1610 The Martyrdom of St Matthew oil on canvas (323 × 343 cm) — 1599 - 1600
This work is linked to Matthew 10:3 A legend has is that the apostle Matthew was murdered in a church in Ethiopia because he had inconvenienced the local king. Caravaggio shows the moment just before Matthew is stabbed to death. men on the foreground are probably waiting to be baptized. on the left is a group of bystanders dressed in late 16th century fashion. The man in the back, who turns his head to see what is going on, is probably the master himself. The attitude of the figures, the play with light and darkness, the threat from the man with the sword and the overall circular composition make this a truly amazingly dynamic painting.
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