Art and the Bible /arts (그림설명)

The Last Supper (최후의 만찬)

바이블엔명화 2016. 3. 9. 08:26




(요 13:21) ○예수께서 이 말씀을 하시고 심령이 괴로워 증언하여 이르시되 내가 진실로 진실로 너희에게 이르노니 너희 중 하나가 나를 팔리라 하시니 마26:21, 막14:18, 눅22:21








Juan de Juanes 1523 – 1579

The Last Supper

oil on panel (116 × 191 cm) — ca. 1560

 Museum Museo del Prado, Madrid


This work is linked to John 13:21


A harmonious painting by the Spanish painter Juan de Juanes. Strangely enough the faces of most disciples seem to radiate mostly adoration – and this while they have just heard that their master is about to be betrayed.

In the front right, the traitor Judas, for better recognition he has been equipped with a money pouch. He is dressed in yellow, the color of envy. He is also the only figure without halo.

In the foreground a bowl for washing feet before supper.

The panel was made for the altar of the church of San Esteban in Valencia, together with a series of paintings on the life of Saint Stephen. It was sided by panels showing The agony in the garden and The Crowning with Thorns.







Il Tintoretto 1518 – 1594

The Last Supper

oil on canvas (365 × 568 cm) — 1592-94

 Museum San Giorgo Maggiore, Venice

Il Tintoretto biography


This work is linked to John 13:21


Tintoretto's studio was authorized to produce several large canvasses for the newly finished San Giorgo Maggiore church in Venice. The old master would have left most of the work in the hands of his assistants, but it is certain that he made three of the canvasses himself. This Last Supper is one of them.

Tintoretto created a special atmosphere by using two light sources, darker colors and transparent, hovering angels. The angels add a supernatural touch to the painting.

All disciples have a halo, except Jude – he's kneeling at the far side of the table.



The lines of the table, the pattern on the floor and the wood in the ceiling create a linear perspective. That makes the painting stand in the tradition of Da Vinci's Last Supper.