Art and the Bible /arts (그림설명)

Mary Magdalene (향유를 붓다)

바이블엔명화 2016. 3. 9. 08:31


(요 12:3) 마리아는 지극히 비싼 향유 곧 순전한 나드 한 근을 가져다가 예수의 발에 붓고 자기 머리털로 그의 발을 닦으니 향유 냄새가 집에 가득하더라








Banquet of Simon of Bethany

stained glass window (25 cm diameter) — c. 1520

 Museum Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam


This work is linked to John 12:3






Rogier van der Weyden 1399/1400 – 1464

Mary Magdalene (1450)

oil on panel (41 × 34 cm) — ca. 1450

 Museum Musée du Louvre, Paris

Rogier van der Weyden biography


This work is linked to John 12:3


Please scroll down to read more information about this work.


Right panel of the Braque triptych.

This may very well be the finest Flemish 15th century portrait existing. Please note Mary's elegant posture, her splendid clothes and delicate face. In her hand is her usual attribute; the jar with ointment with which she has anointed Jesus' feet.

The text in the top refers to that act as described in John 12. In Latin, it reads "Maria ergo accepit libram ungenti nardi pistici, pretiosi, et unxit pedes Iesu". In KJV-English: "Then took Mary a pound of ointment of spikenard, very costly, and anointed the feet of Jesus".