Art and the Bible /arts (그림설명)

The Descent from the Cross (십자가에서 내리다)

바이블엔명화 2016. 3. 9. 08:12




(요 19:38) ○아리마대 사람 요셉은 예수의 제자이나 유대인이 두려워 그것을 숨기더니 이 일 후에 빌라도에게 예수의 시체를 가져가기를 구하매 빌라도가 허락하는지라 이에 가서 예수의 시체를 가져가니라






Albrecht Dürer 1471 – 1528

Seven Sorrows: The Lamentation

oil on panel (63 × 46 cm) — 1495-1496

 Museum Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, Dresden

Albrecht Dürer biography


This work is linked to John 19:38


Final panel of Dürer's series on The Seven Sorrows of Mary. Dürer combined the persons of the Descent from the Cross and the Lamentation into one panel.

The figures without halo are probably Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea, who took Jesus from the cross. Also: Mary (kneeling), Mary Magdalene (with ointment jar), Mary of Bethany and John the Evangelist. Next to Jesus is the crown of thorns.






Hans Memling ca. 1433 – 1494

The Descent from the Cross

oil on panel (54 × 38 cm) — 1494

 Museum Capilla Real, Granada

Hans Memling biography


This work is linked to John 19:38


Joseph of Arimathaea (to the right), Nicodemus (left) and a third man take Christ's body from the cross. The cross is not visible. The painting is almost completely filled with figures. The body of Christ is almost fully shown. Of the other figures, not more than up to half of their bodies is visible.

This Deposition is the left panel of a diptych. The other panel, also in Granada, shows a group of mourning women with John. It has a landscape in the background that matches the one in this panel. Yet the scenes are separate.






Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn 1606 – 1669

The Descent from the Cross

oil on panel (90 × 65 cm) — c. 1632 - 1633

 Museum Alte Pinakothek, Munich

Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn biography


This work is linked to John 19:38


Please scroll down to read more information about this work.


Joseph of Arimathea is helping Jesus down from the cross. The man in the blue suit assisting him, is a self-portrait. The man watching the action is Nicodemus, a person mentioned only in the Gospel of John. To the left, in the dark, Mary has fainted.

There is some similarity with the Descent from the Cross by PP Rubens, but Rembrandt's work is more serene than the dramatic tableau by Rubens.

The painting is part of a series of passion paintings that Rembrandt made for Frederik Hendrik, the stadtholder. Ref. The Resurrection and The Ascension.






Peter Paul Rubens 1577 – 1640

Deposition - central panel

oil on panel (421 × 311 cm) — 1612 - 14

 Museum Cathedral of Our Lady, Antwerp

Peter Paul Rubens biography


This work is linked to John 19:38


Please scroll down to read more information about this work.


Joseph of Arimathea has been granted permission to take down the body of Christ - a special dispensation, since it was customary to let the bodies hang.

John the Apostle, Nicodemus and two servants lend a hand. Christ's feet are resting on Mary Magdalene's shoulders. The woman in blue is Mary, Mother of Christ.

This is the central panel of a triptych. A single element unites the three scenes - Christ is portrayed as being carried.

Rubens made this painting for the Guild of Arquebusiers, who wanted their patron Saint Christopher (meaning: carrier of Christ) portrayed. If Rubens had complied with this wish, he would have had to explain himself to the authorities, because the strict Contra-Reformation's principles did not allow portraits of saints to be hung in cathedrals. Instead, Rubens chose to hide all references to Christopher by portraying Christ as being carried in all three panels.

Left wing: Visitation.
Right wing: Presentation in the temple.

The triptych was made for Our Lady's cathedral in Antwerp, where it still hangs today. In 1815 it was been joined by another famous Rubens triptych: the Raising of the Cross.






Hugo van der Goes ca. 1440 – 1482

The Lamentation of Christ

oil on panel (34 × 23 cm) — after 1479

 Museum Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna

Hugo van der Goes biography


This work is linked to John 19:38


Please scroll down to read more information about this work.


This is the right hand panel of a diptych by Hugo van der Goes. The left panel shows the Fall of Man.

The figures form a diagonal line suggesting movement from the cross towards the grave.

Christ is held by Mary, Joseph of Arimathaea and Nicodemus. Mary is held by John the Evangelist. The two crying women in the back hold the nails that were used to nail Jesus to the cross.

On the platter in the foreground are perhaps the mixture of myrrh and aloes that is mentioned in John's description.

The woman to the left is Mary Magdalene. Her posture resembles that of the portrait Rogier van der Weyden made in 1450.