(요 11:16) | 디두모라고도 하는 도마가 다른 제자들에게 말하되 우리도 주와 함께 죽으러 가자 하니라 |
Peter Paul Rubens 1577 – 1640
St Thomas
oil on panel (108 × 83 cm) — c. 1611
This work is linked to John 11:16
Around 1612 Rubens made a series of portraits of the apostles, in commission of the duke of Lerma. All paintings show an attribute to identify the apostle. Thomas holds a spear, the weapon that supposedly killed him and made him a martyr.
Diego Rodríguez da Silva y Velázquez 1599 – 1660
Saint Thomas
oil on canvas (94 × 73 cm) — 1618-1620
Diego Rodríguez da Silva y Velázquez biography
This work is linked to John 11:16
The apostle Thomas. He wears a heavy habit and carries his usual attribute: the spear that was used to kill him.
Velázquez used the model he also used for St John at Patmos
'Art and the Bible > arts (그림설명)' 카테고리의 다른 글
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