Art and the Bible /Artists (화가의 biblcal arts)

Van Limburg brothers (6) 반 랭브르 형제

바이블엔명화 2016. 4. 27. 20:30






Van Limburg brothers 1375 – 1416

Announcement to the Shepherds

illuminated manuscript — 1408-09

Museum Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Van Limburg brothers biography


This work is linked to Luke 2:10

(눅 2:10) 천사가 이르되 무서워하지 말라 보라 내가 온 백성에게 미칠 큰 기쁨의 좋은 소식을 너희에게 전하노라


Folio 52r from Les Belles Heures du Duc de Berry. The shepherds were sleeping in the field when angels appeared in the sky and told them of the birth of Jesus.






Van Limburg brothers 1375 – 1416

Saint John on Pathmos

illuminated manuscript (29 × 21 cm) — 1413 - 1416

 Museum Musée Condé, Chantilly

Van Limburg brothers biography


This work is linked to John 1:1

(요 1:1) 태초에 1)말씀이 계시니라 이 1)말씀이 하나님과 함께 계셨으니 이 말씀은 곧 하나님이시니라



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Folio 17r from Les Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry. This page shows the apostle John, banned to the island Pathmos, where he is said to have received his Revelation.

John is portrayed at the exact moment described in (Rev. 1:10) ‘I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and I heard behind me a loud voice, like a trumpet.'

John is often pictured with the tribute of an eagle, as in this book of hours. Above, God, with on his lap, the lamb of God, symbol of Jesus Christ. He is flanked by two rows of elders.

In the background the rowing boat with which John is taken to the island. He is returning to the inhabited world.

The texts, with their fine initials, read: "Inicium sancti evangelii secundum johanne" (first words of the sacred Gospel according to John) en "In principio erat verbum et verbum erat apud deum" (in the beginning was the word and the word was with God).







Van Limburg brothers 1375 – 1416

The Adoration of the Magi

illuminated manuscript (24 × 17 cm) — 1408-09

Museum Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Van Limburg brothers biography


This work is linked to Matthew 2:11

(마 2:11) 집에 들어가 아기와 그의 어머니 마리아가 함께 있는 것을 보고 엎드려 아기께 경배하고 보배합을 열어 황금과 유향과 몰약을 예물로 드리니라


A page from Les Belles Heures, the first book of hours the Limburg brothers made for the Duke of Berry. The vellum is decorated with ink, tempera and gold leaf.






Van Limburg brothers 1375 – 1416

The Flight into Egypt

illuminated manuscript — 1408-09

 Museum Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Van Limburg brothers biography


This work is linked to Matthew 2:14

(마 2:14) 요셉이 일어나서 밤에 아기와 그의 어머니를 데리고 애굽으로 떠나가



Folio 63r from Les Belles Heures du Duc de Berry, illuminated by the Van Limburg brothers. In a dream, Joseph had been warned about king Herod's plan to kill his young son. Here, an angel leads the family to safety.






Van Limburg brothers 1375 – 1416

The Healing of a Possessed

illuminated manuscript — 1413-16

 Museum Musée Condé, Chantilly

Van Limburg brothers biography


This work is linked to Mark 1:25

(막 1:25) 예수께서 꾸짖어 이르시되 잠잠하고 그 사람에게서 나오라 하시니



Folio 166r of Les Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry: the exorcism. The possessed is held by his mother, while Jesus speaks. The small black dragon is the evil spirit that leaves the boy's head.








Van Limburg brothers 1375 – 1416

The Multiplication of Bread and Fish

illuminated manuscript — 1413-16

 Museum Musée Condé, Chantilly

Van Limburg brothers biography


This work is linked to Mark 6:41

(막 6:41) 예수께서 떡 다섯 개와 물고기 두 마리를 가지사 하늘을 우러러 축사하시고 떡을 떼어 제자들에게 주어 사람들에게 나누어 주게 하시고 또 물고기 두 마리도 모든 사람에게 나누시매


Also known as the Feeding of the Multitude.

Folio 168v of Les Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry. A boy presents five loafs of bread and two fish to Jesus, who will then feed the crowd. God supervises from heaven.