Antonio Bellucci 1654 – 1726
Lot and his Daughters
oil on canvas (95 × 148 cm) — c. 1700
private collection
This work is linked to Genesis 19:32
(창 19:32) | 우리가 우리 아버지에게 술을 마시게 하고 동침하여 우리 아버지로 말미암아 후손을 이어가자 하고 |
Lot's daughters give their father so much wine that he gets drunk. That way he did not notice that he conceived sons with them.
Albrecht Dürer 1471 – 1528
Lot and his family flee from Sodom
oil on panel (52 × 42 cm) — c. 1496
National Gallery of Art, Washington DC
This work is linked to Genesis 19:24
(창 19:24) | 여호와께서 하늘 곧 여호와께로부터 유황과 불을 소돔과 고모라에 비같이 내리사 |
When God had decided to punish the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, angels were sent to forwarn the righteous Lot, who lived in Sodom. They led Lot and his family out of Sodom and told them not to look back. Lot's wife couldn't resist the temptation and was turned into a pillar of salt.
On the other side of this panel Dürer painted a Madonna and child.
Artemisia Gentileschi 1593 – 1656
Lot and his Daughters
oil on canvas (230 × 183 cm) — c. 1637
Toledo Museum of Art, Toledo, Ohio
Artemisia Gentileschi biography
This work is linked to Genesis 19:32
(창 19:32) | 우리가 우리 아버지에게 술을 마시게 하고 동침하여 우리 아버지로 말미암아 후손을 이어가자 하고 |
Please scroll down to read more information about this work.
Lot's daughters give their father so much wine that he becomes willing to sleep with them. After they lost their mother, who had turned into a pillar of salt, incest was the only way for them to get children.
The painting was attributed to Bernardo Cavallino until Gentileschi expert Mary Garrard in 1989 pointed out that it was much more likely that Gentileschi was the author. Cavallino and Gentileschi sometimes collaborated, which may explain the error.
Garrard named stylistic characteristics and also noted that the depiction of the daughters very much suited Artemisia's feminist approach of biblical women. Male painters would often show the daughters as seductresses. Gentileschi her shows Lot having most of the fun, whereas especially the daughter to the right seems very reluctant.
Lucas van Leyden 1494 – 1533
Lot and his Daughters (oil paint)
oil on panel (48 × 34 cm) — c. 1521
This work is linked to Genesis 19:32
(창 19:32) | 우리가 우리 아버지에게 술을 마시게 하고 동침하여 우리 아버지로 말미암아 후손을 이어가자 하고 |
In the background Sodom and Gomorra still burn. Lot and his daughters could escape in time before the inferno began. Lot's wife was not that fortunate: she was transformed into a pillar of salt because she looked back, against God's command. She can be seen standing on the wooden bridge.
As Lot has no male children, his daughters decide to help him. The make him drunk with lots of wine. The children that were conceived that night would become the ancestors of the Moabites and the Ammonites, neighbours of Israel.
Lucas van Leyden 1494 – 1533
Lot and his Daughters (print)
engraving (19 × 25 cm) — 1530
Auckland Art Gallery, Auckland
This work is linked to Genesis 19:32
(창 19:32) | 우리가 우리 아버지에게 술을 마시게 하고 동침하여 우리 아버지로 말미암아 후손을 이어가자 하고 |
Lot and his daughters flee the burning city of Sodom (background). Now that their mother has been turned into a pillar of salt, the daughters consider it their duty to ensure that Lot has male descendants. Here they are seen feeding their father so much drink that he does not realize he is being seduced by his own daughters.
The result of this encounter are two sons, Ben-Ammi and Moab, future ancestors of the Ammonites and the Moabites, nations that will severely pester the Israelites in years to come.
This is one of a minimum of two engravings that Lucas van Leyden made on the subject.
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