Art and the Bible /arts (그림설명)

Judges (사사들)

바이블엔명화 2016. 5. 11. 23:47




The seventh book in the Old Testament tells of the time when there was no central authority among the Jewish tribes. There were however a series of charismatic leaders who rose when called upon. They battled against enemies, and afterwards acted as judges.

The best known judge is Samson, number thirteen of fifteen judges.

After the judges came the kings, starting with Saul.




Gustave Doré 1832 – 1883

The Prophetess Deborah

engraving — 1865

Gustave Doré biography


This work is linked to Judges 5:7

(삿 5:7) 이스라엘에는 마을 1)사람들이 그쳤으니 나 드보라가 일어나 이스라엘의 어머니가 되기까지 그쳤도다



Deborah was a judge, one who would lead the fight against the enemies of Israel when necessary. In her case, the Canaanites needed to be beaten once again. Deborah called on army commander Barak to go to battle but prophesized that no he, but a woman would finish off the enemy leader. The prophecy came true when Jael, wife of Cheber, struck him with a nail of the tent.






Hans Holbein the Younger 1497/8 – 1543

The punishment of Adonibezek

woodcarving (60 × 85 mm) — 1538

 Museum Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

Hans Holbein the Younger biography


This work is linked to Judges 1:6

(삿 1:6) 아도니 베섹이 도망하는지라 그를 쫓아가서 잡아 그의 엄지손가락과 엄지발가락을 자르매


Adonibezek (or Adoni-bezek) was a Canaanite, king of Bezek. Judah and his people beat him and his army. They then cut of his thumbs and toes.

Judah and his brother Simeon battled with the Canaanites because God had told them to.

The print is probably one of 94 Holbein made on the Old Testament. They were first published as Biblia Utriusque Testamenti iuxta Vulgatam Translationem. Holbein made the sketch, Veit Rudolf Specklin cut the wood.





Pieter Lastman ca. 1583 – 1633

Jephtha and his daughter

oil on panel (122 × 200 cm) — c. 1611

Museum Museum Briner und Kern, Winterthur

Pieter Lastman biography


This work is linked to Judges 11:35

(삿 11:35) 입다가 이를 보고 자기 옷을 찢으며 이르되 어찌할꼬 내 딸이여 너는 나를 참담하게 하는 자요 너는 나를 괴롭게 하는 자 중의 하나로다 내가 여호와를 향하여 입을 열었으니 능히 돌이키지 못하리로다 하니


Jephthah or Jephtha was one of Israel's judges. These judges where leaders in the era before the kings. He was a son of Gilead and a whore.

Jephtha and his daughter

Jephtha led a band of fighters that defeated hostile Ammonites. Before the battle he had sworn to God to sacrifice the first person who would meet them if they returned home victoriously. That person turned out to be his daughter, his only child.

The painting shows the band and several of their victims and prisoners. Lastman tried to depict Jephtha's despair as he sees his daughter approaching. He tore his clothes, but had to stick to his promise. The unnamed daughter accepts her fate.

Unfortunately we don't have a larger color photo of what is probably Lastman's largest work.




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