Art and the Bible /arts (그림설명)

Jael (야엘)

바이블엔명화 2016. 5. 11. 23:38



Jael lived during the time of the Judges. She was the wife of Heber, from whose name the word Hebrew may originate.

Jael is best known for killing the Canaanite warlord Sisera, as the judge and prophetess Deborah had predicted.







Jael and Sisera

pen drawing (13 × 10 cm) — c. 1440 - 1450

 Museum Herzog Anton Ulrich Museum, Braunschweig


This work is linked to Judges 4:21

(삿 4:21) 그가 깊이 잠드니 헤벨의 아내 야엘이 장막 말뚝을 가지고 손에 방망이를 들고 그에게로 가만히 가서 말뚝을 그의 관자놀이에 박으매 말뚝이 꿰뚫고 땅에 박히니 그가 기절하여 죽으니라


Jael drives a tent peg through the head of Sisera, an enemy warlord. The tired Sisera thought he would be safe in her tent.

The name of the drafter is not known. He is thought to be someone close to Van Eyck and his workshop.







Salomon de Bray 1597 – 1664

Jael, Deborah and Barak

oil on panel (87 × 72 cm) — 1635

 Museum Museum Catharijneconvent, Utrecht

Salomon de Bray biography


This work is linked to Judges 5:24

(삿 5:24) 겐 사람 헤벨의 아내 야엘은 다른 여인들보다 복을 받을 것이니 장막에 있는 여인들보다 더욱 복을 받을 것이로다 눅1:28


Jael had managed to kill the enemy warlord Sisera, by nailing a peg into his head while he was asleep in her tent. Sisera was the leader of the Canaanites.

De Bray does not show the moment supreme. Instead he shows Jael, with hammer and pin, next to the prophetess and judge Deborah and Jewish warlord Barak. Barak and Deborah together fought the Canaanites. Deborah had predicted that Sisera would die at the hand of a woman.

In Judges 5 Jael is praised, even though she acted without the consent of her husband.






Artemisia Gentileschi 1593 – 1656

Jael and Sisera

oil on canvas (86 × 125 cm) — c. 1620

 Museum Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest

Artemisia Gentileschi biography


This work is linked to Judges 4:21

(삿 4:21) 그가 깊이 잠드니 헤벨의 아내 야엘이 장막 말뚝을 가지고 손에 방망이를 들고 그에게로 가만히 가서 말뚝을 그의 관자놀이에 박으매 말뚝이 꿰뚫고 땅에 박히니 그가 기절하여 죽으니라


Sisera was a warlord to Jabin, the king of Canaan who had been oppressing the Israelites for many years. But under the leadership of Barak and Deborah the Israelites finally succeed in slaying Jabin's army. Sisera runs and seeks refuge in the tent of Jael. The families of Jael's husband and Jabin were friends, so Sisera thought he would be safe. Jael invites him with great hospitality. At peace he falls asleep. Jael then takes a tent peg and drives it into Sisera's head.

Contemporaries of Artemisia Gentileschi often showed Jael as a treacherous temptress. They didn't really know what to think of this woman who acted without the knowledge and consent of her husband. The Bible does not pass a clear judgement either. But Gentileschi shows her as a predecessor of Judith, the undisputed heroin who also killed an enemy warlord to save her people.





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