Art and the Bible /arts (그림설명)

Joshua (여호수아)

바이블엔명화 2016. 4. 25. 22:47







Ferdinand Bol 1616 – 1680

God's Messenger Appears to Joshua

ink (pen), wax and chalk (27 × 19 cm) — c. 1642

 Museum J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles

Ferdinand Bol biography


This work is linked to Joshua 5:13

(수 5:13) ○여호수아가 여리고에 가까이 이르렀을 때에 눈을 들어 본즉 한 사람이 칼을 빼어 손에 들고 마주 서 있는지라 여호수아가 나아가서 그에게 묻되 너는 우리를 위하느냐 우리의 적들을 위하느냐 하니


A messenger of God appears to Joshua, who is off screen. He tells him to have his troops march around Jericho in order to destroy the city walls.

Drawing made with pen and brown ink, brown and gray wash, and red, white and black chalk.

In 1662 Bol would revisit the subject in a huge painting.






Ferdinand Bol 1616 – 1680

The Captain of the Lord's Army Appears to Joshua

oil on canvas (408 × 273 cm) — c. 1662

 Museum Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

Ferdinand Bol biography


This work is linked to Joshua 5:13

(수 5:13)

○여호수아가 여리고에 가까이 이르렀을 때에 눈을 들어 본즉 한 사람이 칼을 빼어 손에 들고 마주 서 있는지라 여호수아가 나아가서 그에게 묻되 너는 우리를 위하느냐 우리의 적들을 위하느냐 하니


Please scroll down to read more information about this work.

During the siege of Jericho a messenger of God appears to Joshua. He identifies himself as "captain of the host of the LORD".

One of the angels in the sky holds a snake that bites itself in the tail. That is a symbol of infinity.

This painting is one in a series of five wall hangings that Bol made for a house on the Nieuwegracht in Utrecht. The other paintings show Abraham and the Three Angels, Pharoah's Daughter Finds Moses, King Cyrus Hands over the Treasure Looted from the Temple of Jerusalem, and Aeneas Receives a New Set of Armour.






Gustave Doré 1832 – 1883

The Destruction of the Army of the Amorites

engraving — 1865

Gustave Doré biography


This work is linked to Joshua 10:11

(수 10:11) 그들이 이스라엘 앞에서 도망하여 벧호론의 비탈에서 내려갈 때에 여호와께서 하늘에서 큰 우박 덩이를 아세가에 이르기까지 내리시매 그들이 죽었으니 이스라엘 자손의 칼에 죽은 자보다 우박에 죽은 자가 더 많았더라


When the Amorites try to run for the Israelites, they are hit by a rain of great stones from heaven. The Amorites lived in the land Canaan before the Jews settled there.





Jean Fouquet ca. 1420 – 1477/81

The Conquest of Jericho

illumination — c. 1470-1475

 Museum Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris

Jean Fouquet biography


This work is linked to Joshua 6:20

(수 6:20) 이에 백성은 외치고 제사장들은 나팔을 불매 백성이 나팔 소리를 들을 때에 크게 소리 질러 외치니 성벽이 무너져 내린지라 백성이 각기 앞으로 나아가 그 성에 들어가서 그 성을 점령하고


During six days Joshua makes the priests carry the Ark of the Covenant around the city of Jericho, with its impressive city walls. The priests blow trumpets of rams' horns and make one round a day. on the seventh day they make seven rounds. In the final round Joshua tells the people to cheer. Under their cheering, the Jericho walls finally crumble.

Jericho was the first city the Israelites conquered after the crossing of the river Jordan.

This is an illumination by Fouquet in a manuscript of Flavius Josephus' "Antiquities of the Jews". The river in the background is probably the river Jordan.





Giovanni Lanfranco 1582 – 1647

The Messengers Return from Canaan

oil on canvas (218 × 246 cm) — 1621 - 1624

Museum J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles


This work is linked to Numbers 13:27

(민 13:27) 모세에게 말하여 이르되 당신이 우리를 보낸 땅에 간즉 과연 그 땅에 젖과 꿀이 흐르는데 이것은 그 땅의 과일이니이다


During the journey to the promised land Moses sends twelve men ahead to explore it. one man from each tribe, including Joshua. After 40 days they return and report to Moses. They show a huge cluster of grapes, and pomegranates and figs. "surely it floweth with milk and honey", they say.

But they also tell of the strong nations that live in large walled cities in Canaan. The people become scared and start to complain again: why didn't we stay in Egypt. God is tired of the whining and decides that the Israelites will need to dwell in the desert for another 40 years.

Lanfranco shows the story from a low angle, making the figures even more monumental. The canvas was one in a series that hung high on the walls of the church San Paolo fuori le Mura (St-Paul outside the walls) in Rome.






Nicolas Poussin 1593/94 – 1665

Joshua Fights Amalek

oil on canvas (97 × 134 cm) — ca. 1625

 Museum Hermitage, St. Petersburg

Nicolas Poussin biography


This work is linked to Exodus 17:10

(출 17:10) 여호수아모세의 말대로 행하여 아말렉과 싸우고 모세아론은 산 꼭대기에 올라가서


When the Israelites were traveling through the desert, they were attacked at Rephidim, by the nomad tribe of chief Amalek. This painting shows the Jewish Joshua and his men defending themselves, while Moses, Aaron and Hur are praying. Every time that Moses raises his arms to Heaven, the Israelites have the upper hand, whenever he does not, the Amalekites are winning. The Israelites win despite Moses' fatigue.

Poussin made this painting while in Italy. It is the companion of The Battle between the Israelites and the Amorites.






Nicolas Poussin 1593/94 – 1665

Joshua's Victory over the Amorites

oil on canvas (98 × 134 cm) — 1624-1626

Museum Pushkin Museum, Moscow

Nicolas Poussin biography


This work is linked to Joshua 10:10

(수 10:10) 여호와께서 그들을 이스라엘 앞에서 패하게 하시므로 여호수아가 그들을 기브온에서 크게 살륙하고 벧호론에 올라가는 비탈에서 추격하여 아세가막게다까지 이르니라


Joshua was successor to Moses, who led the Israelites through the Desert and into the Promised Land, Palestine.

Palestine, however, was not uninhabited. According to the Old Testament a local tribe, the Amorites, lived on the east bank of the River Jordan and in the region between the Dead Sea and Hebron.

Presumably the largest population group in the land Canaan, as Palestine was known, the Amorites were defeated by Joshua in a series of battles.

Poussin also depicted The Battle between the Israelites and the Amalekites.





Raphael 1483 – 1520

Joshua addresses the Israelites in Shechem

drawing with pen and brush (12 × 36 cm) — Ca 1517

 Museum Teylers Museum, Haarlem

Raphael biography


This work is linked to Joshua 24:2

(수 24:2) 여호수아가 모든 백성에게 이르되 이스라엘의 하나님 여호와께서 이같이 말씀하시기를 옛적에 너희의 조상들 곧 아브라함의 아버지, 나홀의 아버지 데라가 강 저쪽에 거주하여 다른 신들을 섬겼으나 창31:53


Joshua speaks to the chiefs of the Israelite tribes in the ancient city of Shechem. The Israelites had conquered Canaan; the land had been divided among the tribes. Joshua made them promise obedience to the Lord. Not long after this speech, he would die, 110 years old.

This drawing on paper was a sketch for one of the fresco's Raphael made in the Vatican palace, in the loggia that was named after the artist. The fresco's depicted episodes from the Old Testament.





Luca Signorelli ca. 1450 – 1523

Last Acts and Death of Moses

fresco (350 × 572 cm) — 1481-82

 Museum Sistine Chapel, Vatican City


This work is linked to Deuteronomy 34:5

(신 34:5) 이에 여호와의 종 모세가 여호와의 말씀대로 모압 땅에서 죽어


The famous biographer Vasari was certain that this fresco in the Sistine Chapel was made by Luca Signorelli. Present day art historians disagree and claim that most of it was made by Bartolomeo della Gatta. only the more dynamic figures would be Signorelli's.

Signorelli was not on the list of four artists who at first were commissioned to decorate the walls of the Sistine Chapel.

On the right Moses reads to a listening crowd (Deut. 29-30). At his feet is the Ark of the Covenant, with the two tables of the Law. on the left he hands over his leadership to his succcessor Joshua. In the center of the background Moses is on Mount Nebo. An angel shows him the promised land, which he will never reach. on the left his people mourn his death.



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