The ten plagues of Egypt. God punishes Egypt for not letting his people go.
- Water turns into blood - in Hebrew: dam (Exodus 7:14-25) 물이 피가되다
- Frogs - tsefardea (8:1-15) 개구리로 온 땅을 치다
- Lice - kiniem (8:16-19) 티끌이 이가 되다
- Flies - arov (8:20-32) 파리가 가득하다
- Pestilence - dewer (9:1-7) 가축의 죽음
- Boils - schin (9:8-12) 악성 종기가 생기다
- Hail - barad (9:13-35) 우박이 내리다
- Locust - arbe (10:4 - 10:5) 메뚜기가 땅을 덮다
- Darkness - chosheg (10:21-29) 흑암이 땅에 있다
- Smiting of the firstborn - makat bechorot (11:10 and 12:29-30)
처음 난 것의 죽음을 경고하다
After the tenth plague, Pharaoh finally lets the Jews go.
Bartholomeus Breenbergh 1598 – 1657
Moses and Aaron Changing the Nile to Blood
oil on panel (58 × 83 cm) — 1631
J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles
Bartholomeus Breenbergh biography
This work is linked to Exodus 7:20
(출 7:20) | ○모세와 아론이 여호와께서 명령하신 대로 행하여 바로와 그의 신하의 목전에서 지팡이를 들어 나일 강을 치니 그 물이 다 피로 변하고 |
Moses had asked Pharaoh for permission to leave Egypt with his people. When Pharaoh refused, God punished Egypt with ten plagues.
This is the first plague: with his rod Moses' brother Aaron changes the water in the river into blood. The Egyptians could no longer drink the water or use it to irrigate their lands.
But Pharaoh still refused to let the Israelites go.
For some reason the plagues have rarely been depicted in art. Breenbergh here situated the first plague in a landscape with Romanesque ruins. He used translucent colours in several layers to create atmospheric perspective. Moses points to Aaron. Pharaoh looks on and is shocked when he sees all the blood, as is his company. He wears an ermine-lined cape, just like European kings did.
James Tissot 1836 – 1902
The Plague of Locusts
gouache (214 × 124 cm) — c. 1898
This work is linked to Exodus 10:13
(출 10:13) | 모세가 애굽 땅 위에 그 지팡이를 들매 여호와께서 동풍을 일으켜 온 낮과 온 밤에 불게 하시니 아침이 되매 동풍이 메뚜기를 불어 들인지라 |
The Egyptian pharaoh refuses to let Moses and his people go. God then has Moses punish the pharaoh by visiting the Egyptians with a series of plagues, of which this is one example. Moses (with stick) and his brother Aaron call on the winds to blow the locusts in their direction. Earlier, Egypt had been visited by hail. Now the locusts arrive, destroying the crops and finishing what is left of the fruit. This watercolor is not one of Tissot's strongest works dramatically. The two figures, detailed though they are, have no expression on their face. The buildings do show Tissot's interest in Middle Eastern architecture. | |
J. M. W. Turner 1775 – 1851
The Fifth Plague of Egypt
oil on canvas (124 × 183 cm) — 1800
Indianapolis Museum of Art, Indianapolis
This work is linked to Exodus 9:3
(출 9:3) | 여호와의 손이 들에 있는 네 가축 곧 말과 나귀와 낙타와 소와 양에게 더하리니 심한 돌림병이 있을 것이며 |
God punished Egypt with ten plagues because the pharao refused to let Moses and his people go. The fifth plague was a series of horrible diseases that killed most of the Egyptian cattle.
J.M.W. Turner, an English artist, also made a few prints about this scene, as well as an oil painting showing the tenth plague.
J. M. W. Turner 1775 – 1851
The Tenth Plague of Egypt
oil on canvas (143 × 236 cm) — 1802
This work is linked to Exodus 12:29
(출 12:29) | ○밤중에 여호와께서 애굽 땅에서 모든 처음 난 것 곧 왕위에 앉은 바로의 장자로부터 옥에 갇힌 사람의 장자까지와 가축의 처음 난 것을 다 치시매 |
The tenth and final plague that God let loose on the Egyptians was by far the most horrible. All firstborn had to die, from Pharaoh's oldest child to the firstborn of the cattle.
The plagues were a punishment for enslaving the people of Israel. only after the tenth plague Pharaoh would let the Jews go.
This painting was first exhibited in 1802 when Turner was still in his twenties. He showed that he could combine his skills in landscape painting with applying the grand style of the Renaissance. Turner also painted the fifth plague.
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