Pieter Bruegel the Elder ca. 1520 – 1569
The Fall of the Rebel Angels
oil on panel (117 × 162 cm) — 1562
Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, Brussels
Pieter Bruegel the Elder biography
This work is linked to Revelation 12:7
(계 12:7) | ○하늘에 전쟁이 있으니 미가엘과 그의 사자들이 용과 더불어 싸울새 용과 그의 사자들도 싸우나 ![]() |
The influence of Bosch on Bruegel is clearly felt in this painting; note the many fantastic figures with fish-heads and bodies of shrimp.
The central figure in the golden harness is the archangel Michael who, with his allies, is fighting the insurgent angels. The trumpet sounds, both in heaven and on earth.
The rebel angels had, according to John's Revelation, joined a dragon. Thereupon Michael c.s. had cast the rebels to earth.
Bruegel was living in Antwerp when he painted this work. A year later he moved to Brussels.
Gustave Doré 1832 – 1883
The Fallen Angel
engraving — 1866
This work is linked to Isaiah 14:12
(사 14:12) | ○너 아침의 아들 1)계명성이여 어찌 그리 하늘에서 떨어졌으며 너 열국을 엎은 자여 어찌 그리 땅에 찍혔는고 |
Satan is cast from heaven into hell.
This is one of twelve illustrations Doré made for Paradise Lost, the epic poem by the 17th century English poet John Milton.
Gustave Doré 1832 – 1883
The Temptation by the Devil
engraving — 1865
This work is linked to Luke 4:5
(눅 4:5) | 마귀가 또 예수를 이끌고 올라가서 순식간에 천하 만국을 보이며 |
The Holy Spirit leads Jesus into the desert, where he wanders for forty days. on the fortieth day the devil tries to tempt him. on a mountain he shows Jesus all the countries of the world. The devil says he'll let Jesus rule them, if only he agrees to adore him. Jesus answers he only adores God.
The story appears in differing versions Matthew 4:1-11, Mark 1:12-13 and Luke 4:1-13.
Coloured engraving by Doré.
The Devil depicted in The Temptation of Christ, by Ary Scheffer, 1854
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