Art and the Bible /arts (그림설명)

archangel Michael (미카엘 대천사)

바이블엔명화 2016. 4. 19. 09:43







Norfolk Triptych (outside)

mixed techniques on panel (33 × 33 cm) — c. 1410 - 1420

 Museum Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam


The photo shows the outside of the shutters of the Norfolk Triptych.

The two small top panels show an Annunciation: the angel brings a message to Mary.

Below, the larger panels show an Adoration of the Magi.

Bottom left: the four evangelists Matthew, Luke (with bull), Mark (lion) and John (eagle), and John the Baptist (lamb).

Bottom right: the archangel Michael kills a number of snakes, representing Satan. Next to him are the apostle James the Greater (with scallop) and three saints: Dionysius, Hubert and Vincent.





Pieter Bruegel the Elder ca. 1520 – 1569

The Fall of the Rebel Angels

oil on panel (117 × 162 cm) — 1562

 Museum Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, Brussels

Pieter Bruegel the Elder biography


This work is linked to Revelation 12:7

(계 12:7) ○하늘에 전쟁이 있으니 미가엘과 그의 사자들이 용과 더불어 싸울새 용과 그의 사자들도 싸우나 계20:2


The influence of Bosch on Bruegel is clearly felt in this painting; note the many fantastic figures with fish-heads and bodies of shrimp.

The central figure in the golden harness is the archangel Michael who, with his allies, is fighting the insurgent angels. The trumpet sounds, both in heaven and on earth.

The rebel angels had, according to John's Revelation, joined a dragon. Thereupon Michael c.s. had cast the rebels to earth.

Bruegel was living in Antwerp when he painted this work. A year later he moved to Brussels.





Hans Memling ca. 1433 – 1494

Archangel Michael

oil on panel (41 × 16 cm) — 1480

Museum Wallace Collection, London

Hans Memling biography


This work is linked to Revelation 12:7

(계 12:7) ○하늘에 전쟁이 있으니 미가엘과 그의 사자들이 용과 더불어 싸울새 용과 그의 사자들도 싸우나 계20:2


This used to be the right wing of a triptych. The center panel probably showed a pietà by Rogier van der Weyden; Memling painted the wings.

Michael, protector of Israel, is usually depicted holding a sword.





Hans Memling ca. 1433 – 1494

The Last Judgement

oil on panel (306 × 222 cm) — 1467-71

 Museum Muzeum Narodowe, Gdansk

Hans Memling biography


This work is linked to Revelation 20:4

(계 20:4) ○또 내가 보좌들을 보니 거기에 앉은 자들이 있어 심판하는 권세를 받았더라 또 내가 보니 예수를 증언함과 하나님의 말씀 때문에 목 베임을 당한 자들의 영혼들과 또 짐승과 그의 우상에게 경배하지 아니하고 그들의 이마와 손에 그의 표를 받지 아니한 자들이 살아서 그리스도와 더불어 천 년 동안 왕 노릇 하니 고전6:2, 계6:9, 계13:15


Memling's depiction of the Last Judgment, a popular medieval subject.

The dead arise from their graves. Archangel Michael weighs them with his scales. Some end up in Hell (on the right), others are welcomed to heaven by St. Peter. Jesus descends from heaven to administer justice.

Angelo Tani, an Italian trader living in Bruges, commissioned the triptych. He then had it shipped home to Italy, but a warship of the Hanseatic League captured the ship. At the time, the Hanze were hindering all traffic to England due to a trade conflict. As a result, Memling's triptych ended up in Danzig, present day Gdansk.





Rogier van der Weyden 1399/1400 – 1464

The Last Judgment - centre panel

oil on panel (215 × 101 cm) — 1443-1451

 Museum Musée de l'Hôtel-Dieu, Beaune

Rogier van der Weyden biography


This work is linked to Revelation 20:11

(계 20:11) ○또 내가 크고 흰 보좌와 그 위에 앉으신 이를 보니 땅과 하늘이 그 앞에서 피하여 간 데 없더라 단2:35


This is the centre panel of Van der Weyden's Beaune polyptych with the Last Judgment.

In the upper half Christ sits on his throne. Below him archangel Michael stands on Earth. In the scales he holds are two tiny figures, representing one man's good and bad sides.

Above the left figure's head is the text virtutes, virtues. Above the other figure's head it says peccata, sins. The figure on the right looks down and is horrified by the hell he sees. The other one, closer to heaven, prays in gratitude.





Giotto ca. 1267 – 1337

The Last Judgement

fresco (10 × 8,40 m) — 1304-1305

 Museum Cappella degli Scrovegni (Arena Chapel), Padua

Giotto biography


This work is linked to Revelation 20:4

(계 20:4) ○또 내가 보좌들을 보니 거기에 앉은 자들이 있어 심판하는 권세를 받았더라 또 내가 보니 예수를 증언함과 하나님의 말씀 때문에 목 베임을 당한 자들의 영혼들과 또 짐승과 그의 우상에게 경배하지 아니하고 그들의 이마와 손에 그의 표를 받지 아니한 자들이 살아서 그리스도와 더불어 천 년 동안 왕 노릇 하니 고전6:2, 계6:9, 계13:15


Please scroll down to read more information about this work.


This is Giotto's largest work in the Arena Chapel.

The top part shows Heaven, with Jesus in the middle and the apostles at both sides. Jesus is casting the Last Judgment. The lower part shows the chosen, who will be escorted to Heaven, and the doomed, who will be cast into Hell. The archangels Michael and Raphael are holding the cross in the middle.

A curious addition is found at the bottom of the fresco: the commissioner of the Arena Chapel, Enrico Scrovegni, is portrayed as presenting a model of the chapel to the Virgin Mary.

It is possible that Dante, the great Renaissance poet and an acquaintance of Giotto's, was inspired by this depiction of Hell when he wrote Inferno.




Guido Reni's Michael (in Santa Maria della Concezione church, Rome, 1636)

 tramples Satan. A mosaic of the same painting decorates St. Michael's Altar in St. Peter's Basilica.



Michael archangel

Anonymous (Bolivian) - Museo Nacional de Arte, Bolivia

  • Public Domain
  • File:Anónimo - San Miguel Arcángel, 1708.jpg
  • Created: 1 January 1708




    Archangel Michael reaching to save souls in purgatory, by Jacopo Vignali, 17th century

    Jacopo Vignali - Giovanni Piccirillo (a cura di),

    La chiesa dei Santi Michele e Gaetano, Becocci Editore, Firenze 2006. Author: sailko

    San Michele Arcangelo libera le anime del purgatorio

  • Public Domain
  • File:Jacopo vignali, san michele arcangelo libera le anime del purgatorio.jpg
  • Created: 17th century



    Le Grand Saint Michel, by Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio), Archangel Michael defeating evil

    Raphael - Retouched from File:Le Grand Saint Michel, by Raffaello Sanzio, from C2RMF.jpg, originally C2RMF: Galerie de tableaux en très haute définition: image page

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    'Art and the Bible > arts (그림설명)' 카테고리의 다른 글

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