Art and the Bible /arts (그림설명)

Transfiguration (영광스러운 모습으로 변형되시다)

바이블엔명화 2016. 4. 17. 13:59








Giovanni Bellini ca. 1430 – 1516

The Transfiguration

oil on panel (115 × 151 cm) — 1480-1485

Museum Museo di Capodimonte, Naples

Giovanni Bellini biography


This work is linked to Luke 9:28

(눅 9:28) ○이 말씀을 하신 후 팔 일쯤 되어 예수께서 베드로와 요한과 야고보를 데리고 기도하시러 산에 올라가사


On the top of a mountain Jesus shows his divine, radiant self. The light is too bright for James, John and Peter, who fall to the ground. Two figures from the Old Testament appear: Moses and the prophet Elijah.

This metamorphosis or transfiguration is considered as one of miracles that Jesus performed.





Duccio di Buoninsegna ca. 1255 – 1319

The Transfiguration

tempera on panel (44 × 46 cm) — 1308-11

 Museum National Gallery, London

Duccio di Buoninsegna biography


This work is linked to Matthew 17:2

(마 17:2) 그들 앞에서 변형되사 그 얼굴이 해 같이 빛나며 옷이 빛과 같이 희어졌더라


Jesus takes his closest followers Peter, James, and John with him to the top of a mountain. There he transfigures into his divine state. Next to him appear Moses (left) and the prophet Elijah (right).

This panel was part of the predella of Duccio's famous Maestà.




Raphael 1483 – 1520

The Transfiguration

oil on panel (405 × 278 cm) — 1516-1520

 Museum Pinacoteca Apostolica, Vatican City

Raphael biography


This work is linked to Mark 9:2

(막 9:2) ○엿새 후에 예수께서 베드로와 야고보와 요한을 데리시고 따로 높은 산에 올라가셨더니 그들 앞에서 변형되사


Jesus had climbed a mountain called Tabor, together with his followers Peter, James and John. He there underwent a transfiguration: he became radiant. He also briefly spoke with Moses and the prophet Elijah (Elia). To impress Peter and the others even more, God spoke from a cloud: "This is my son, listen to him."

The lower half of the panel shows Jesus casting out an evil spirit from a boy, just after returning to his normal state. His disciples had failed at the same.

This panel is assumed to be Raphael's last painting. He died before completing it; it was finished by his student Giulio Romano.




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