Ferdinand Bol 1616 – 1680
Moses' Descent from Mount Sinai with the Ten Commandments
oil on canvas (423 × 284 cm) — 1662
This work is linked to Exodus 34:29
(출 34:29) |
○모세가 그 증거의 두 판을 모세의 손에 들고 시내 산에서 내려오니 그 산에서 내려올 때에 모세는 자기가 여호와와 말하였음으로 말미암아 얼굴 피부에 광채가 나나 깨닫지 못하였더라 |
On Mount Sinai Moses was given a second set of tables with the Ten Commandments. He had shattered the first set when his people turned out to worship pagan gods. This time his brother Aaron and the people meet him with enthusiasm.
But they do fear his face, which is still shining after the forty days he spent close to God. Moses has to wear a veil when he speaks with the people.
Botticelli (Sandro Filipepi) ca. 1445 – 1510
Scenes from the Life of Moses
fresco (348 × 558 cm) — 1481-1482
Botticelli (Sandro Filipepi) biography
This work is linked to Exodus 2:17
(출 2:17) | 목자들이 와서 그들을 쫓는지라 모세가 일어나 그들을 도와 그 양 떼에게 먹이니라 |
This is the second fresco on the southern wall of the Sistine Chapel. It is part of the series on the life of Moses. This fresco shows a number of events that preluded the journey from Egypt.
In the bottom right Moses kills an Egyptian who had attacked a Hebrew (Exodus 2:11-12).
When Pharaoh heard of the murder Moses fled into the land of Midian (Exodus 2:15).
There he drove away a group of shepherds who harassed the daughters of the local priest, Jethro. Moses helped them to water their flock (Exodus 2:17).
He was allowed to marry one of Jethro's daughters, Zipporah. Moses lived in Midian as a shepherd. The top left shows how one day God appears to Moses in a burning bush (Exodus 3:2).
The ground he stands on is sacred so he has to take off his shoes (Exodus 3:5).
God tells Moses to lead his people from Egypt to the promised land. In the bottom left Moses and his family return to Egypt to perform that task (Exodus 4:20). Another interpretation of that scene is that is shows the actual journey from Egypt, which was not to happen for many chapters.
On the wall opposite to this fresco Botticelli painted his Temptation of Christ. Both works can be seen as preludes: the Temptation shows what preceded Jesus' preachings, and these Scenes show what preceded Moses' mission.
Botticelli (Sandro Filipepi) ca. 1445 – 1510
The Punishment of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram
fresco (348 × 570 cm) — 1482
Botticelli (Sandro Filipepi) biography
This work is linked to Numbers 16:31
(출 16:31) | ○이스라엘 족속이 그 이름을 3)만나라 하였으며 2)깟씨 같이 희고 맛은 꿀 섞은 과자 같았더라 |
During their journey through the desert Korah, Dathan and Abiram revolt against Moses's leadership. God punishes the lot - the ringleaders plus 250 followers - by having the earth swallow them whole.
There are three scenes in this fresco, all of them with Moses in the foreground. on the right, Joshua stops rebels ready to stone Moses. In the center, Aaron (with miter) is attacked by people who dispute his priesthood. on the left, Moses calls on God to punish the rebels.
The arch in the back is the Arch of Constantine, built near the Coliseum in Rome. Constantine was the first christian Roman emperor. According to a medieval document (that later was prove to be false) he gave worldly power to the popes. Pope Sixtus obviously wanted to mention that in his chapel.
The arch is also shown in the fresco on the opposing wall: The handing of the keys to Peter.
Sir Edward Burne-Jones 1833 – 1893
stained glass window — 1872
St Michael and All Angels, Waterford, Hertfordshire
This work is linked to Exodus 15:20
(출 15:20) | 아론의 누이 선지자 미리암이 손에 소고를 잡으매 모든 여인도 그를 따라 나오며 소고를 잡고 춤추니 |
Please scroll down to read more information about this work.
Miriam was Moses' and Aaron's sister. Together they lead their people to the promised land. After the passage throught the Reed Sea, Miriam sang a song of victory. According to Exodus she used a timbrel (tambourine), but Burne-Jones shows her with cymbals.
When she addressed her brother Moses about his marriage to an Ethiopian woman, God struck her with tzaraath (a disease commonly translated as leprosy).
This is a window in St. Michael and All Angels Church, Waterford, Hertfordshire, England. It was designed by Burne-Jones and executed by Morris Marshall Faulkner and Co.
The Latin text "Maria soror Aaron" means "Miriam, sister of Aaron".
Jacques de Létin 1597 – 1661
Moses at Mount Sinai
oil on canvas (210 × 232 cm) — c. 1655
This work is linked to Exodus 31:18
(출 31:18) |
○여호와께서 시내 산 위에서 모세에게 이르시기를 마치신 때에 3)만나라 하였으며 2)증거판 둘을 모세에게 주시니 이는 돌판이요 하나님이 3)만나라 하였으며 4)친히 쓰신 것이더라
Moses poses with the Tables of the Law, on which the Ten Commandments were written (in French, according to de Létin). Behind him is Mount Sinai, where he received the Commandments.
The building in the background is Saint Catherine's Monastery, at the foot of Mount Sinai. It is one of the oldest monasteries in the world. A beam of light falls on the monastery, through an eye in the rock on the left.
Jacob de Wit 1695 – 1754
Moses chooses seventy elders (1737)
oil on canvas (594 × 1371 cm) — 1737
This work is linked to Numbers 11:16
(민 11:16) | ○여호와께서 모세에게 이르시되 이스라엘 노인 중에 네가 알기로 백성의 장로와 지도자가 될 만한 자 칠십 명을 모아 내게 데리고 와 회막에 이르러 거기서 너와 함께 서게 하라 |
Moses tells God that the leadership of the Israelites is a heavy burden, too heavy at times. He and his people have been travelling for years and still haven't reached the promised land. God then commands Moses to choose seventy elders, men of good reputation to support him. God gave them the same spirit as the one that inspired empowered Moses.
Jacob de Wit made this enormous painting for a room in Amsterdam's city hall, now royal palace. At the time, city governors liked to compare themselves to biblical examples. The Rijksmuseum has a modello of the painting, a small panel with a study.
Giorgione 1477 – 1510
The Test of Fire of Moses
oil on panel (89 × 72 cm) — 1500-1501
Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence
This work is linked to Exodus 4:10
(출 4:10) |
○모세가 여호와께 아뢰되 오 주여 나는 본래 말을 잘 하지 못하는 자니이다 주께서 주의 종에게 명령하신 후에도 역시 그러하니 나는 입이 뻣뻣하고 혀가 둔한 자니이다
Please scroll down to read more information about this work
A traditional Jewish story tells of Pharaoh putting his crown on little Moses' head. The child throws it on the ground and trampled on it. It was seen as a sign that one day Moses would overthrow Pharaoh. In order to find out whether Moses indeed was dangerous, he had to be tested.
Two dishes were held before him: one with cherries (or gold, in another version of the story), and one with glowing pieces of coal. The kid chose the coal and put a piece in his mouth, severely burning himself.
To Pharaoh this proved Moses' innocence.
The story is not in the Bible. It would explain the speech impediment Moses mentions in Exodus 4.
Giorgione made this painting together with a depiction of Solomon's judgment, another test of sincerity.
Giovanni Lanfranco 1582 – 1647
The Messengers Return from Canaan
oil on canvas (218 × 246 cm) — 1621 - 1624
J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles
This work is linked to Numbers 13:27
(민 13:27) | 모세에게 말하여 이르되 당신이 우리를 보낸 땅에 간즉 과연 그 땅에 젖과 꿀이 흐르는데 이것은 그 땅의 과일이니이다 |
During the journey to the promised land Moses sends twelve men ahead to explore it. one man from each tribe, including Joshua. After 40 days they return and report to Moses. They show a huge cluster of grapes, and pomegranates and figs. "surely it floweth with milk and honey", they say.
But they also tell of the strong nations that live in large walled cities in Canaan. The people become scared and start to complain again: why didn't we stay in Egypt. God is tired of the whining and decides that the Israelites will need to dwell in the desert for another 40 years.
Lanfranco shows the story from a low angle, making the figures even more monumental. The canvas was one in a series that hung high on the walls of the church San Paolo fuori le Mura (St-Paul outside the walls) in Rome.
Lucas van Leyden 1494 – 1533
Moses and the Israelites use water from the rock
tempera on canvas (182 × 238 cm) — 1527
This work is linked to Exodus 17:6
(출 17:6) |
내가 호렙 산에 있는 그 반석 위 거기서 네 앞에 서리니 너는 그 반석을 치라 그것에서 물이 나오리니 백성이 마시리라 모세가 이스라엘 장로들의 목전에서 그대로 행하니라
On their journey through the desert the Israelites run out of water. God tells Moses to strike a rock with his stick. Moses obeys, and water comes out of the rock.
Lucas van Leyden doesn't show the actual miracle, but a scene a bit later on.
Pietro Perugino 1450 – 1523
Moses' Journey into Egypt
fresco (350 × 572 cm) — c. 1482
This work is linked to Exodus 4:25
(출 4:25) | 십보라가 돌칼을 가져다가 그의 아들의 포피를 베어 그의 발에 갖다 대며 이르되 당신은 참으로 내게 피 남편이로다 하니 |
Moses spent forty years in the land Midian. He had fled Egypt after killing an Egyptian. After forty years God gives him a sign to return, to rescue his people from Pharao's tiranny.
To the right Moses' son Eliezer is circumsized by his mother Zipporah, a Midianite. In the center Moses is stopped by an angel, a common depiction of God.
The scenes represent a strange passage in Exodus. Moses is threatened by God. Zipporah then grabs a knife and makes a sacrifice to rescue her husband.
Nicolas Poussin 1593/94 – 1665
Joshua Fights Amalek
oil on canvas (97 × 134 cm) — ca. 1625
This work is linked to Exodus 17:10
(출 17:10) | 여호수아가 모세의 말대로 행하여 아말렉과 싸우고 모세와 아론과 훌은 산 꼭대기에 올라가서 |
When the Israelites were traveling through the desert, they were attacked at Rephidim, by the nomad tribe of chief Amalek. This painting shows the Jewish Joshua and his men defending themselves, while Moses, Aaron and Hur are praying. Every time that Moses raises his arms to Heaven, the Israelites have the upper hand, whenever he does not, the Amalekites are winning. The Israelites win despite Moses' fatigue.
Poussin made this painting while in Italy. It is the companion of The Battle between the Israelites and the Amorites.
Nicolas Poussin 1593/94 – 1665
Moses Turning Aaron's Staff into a Serpent
oil on canvas (92 × 128 cm) — 1647
This work is linked to Exodus 7:10
(출 7:10) | 모세와 아론이 바로에게 가서 여호와께서 명령하신 대로 행하여 아론이 바로와 그의 신하 앞에 지팡이를 던지니 뱀이 된지라 |
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn 1606 – 1669
Moses Smashing the Tables of the Law
oil on canvas (167 × 135 cm) — 1659
Gemäldegalerie der Staatlichen Museen, Berlin
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn biography
This work is linked to Exodus 32:19
(출 32:19) | 진에 가까이 이르러 그 송아지와 그 춤 추는 것들을 보고 크게 노하여 손에서 그 판들을 산 아래로 던져 깨뜨리니라 |
Cosimo Rosselli 1439 – 1507
The Crossing of the Reed Sea
fresco (350 × 572 cm) — 1481-82
This work is linked to Exodus 14:27
(출 14:27) | 모세가 곧 손을 바다 위로 내밀매 새벽이 되어 바다의 힘이 회복된지라 애굽 사람들이 물을 거슬러 도망하나 여호와께서 애굽 사람들을 바다 가운데 엎으시니 |
Cosimo Rosselli was probably the least talented among the masters who worked in the Sistine Chapel. He and his team made four frescos: two on the life of Jesus (on the north wall), and two on the life of Moses, on the south wall.
This fresco is also known as The Destruction of Pharaoh's Army in the Red Sea. Moses leads his people through the Reed Sea by parting the waters. He is chased by Egyptian warriors, but the sea closes just in time to save the Israelites. The pillar in the middle is the "pillar of fire" that God used to scare the Egyptians.
Kneeling next to Moses is his sister, the prophetess Miriam.
It is uncertain to whom this work should be attributed: Rosselli, or his assistant Biagio d'Antonio Tucci.
Luca Signorelli ca. 1450 – 1523
Last Acts and Death of Moses
fresco (350 × 572 cm) — 1481-82
This work is linked to Deuteronomy 34:5
(신 34:5) | 이에 여호와의 종 모세가 여호와의 말씀대로 모압 땅에서 죽어 |
The famous biographer Vasari was certain that this fresco in the Sistine Chapel was made by Luca Signorelli. Present day art historians disagree and claim that most of it was made by Bartolomeo della Gatta. only the more dynamic figures would be Signorelli's.
Signorelli was not on the list of four artists who at first were commissioned to decorate the walls of the Sistine Chapel.
On the right Moses reads to a listening crowd (Deut. 29-30). At his feet is the Ark of the Covenant, with the two tables of the Law. on the left he hands over his leadership to his succcessor Joshua. In the center of the background Moses is on Mount Nebo. An angel shows him the promised land, which he will never reach. on the left his people mourn his death.
Jan Havicksz. Steen ca. 1626 – 1679
Moses Gets Water out of the Rocks
oil on panel (54 × 44 cm) — c. 1660
Städel Museum, Frankfurt am Main
This work is linked to Exodus 17:6
(출 17:6) | 내가 호렙 산에 있는 그 반석 위 거기서 네 앞에 서리니 너는 그 반석을 치라 그것에서 물이 나오리니 백성이 마시리라 모세가 이스라엘 장로들의 목전에서 그대로 행하니라 |
When Moses hits the rock with his stick, water pours out of it, just like God had told him. The Israelites greet it with joy, thirsty as they are on their journey through the desert. Moses feared they would deny his leadership if he could not give them water.
Giovan Battista Tiepolo 1696 – 1770
The Gathering of Manna
oil on canvas (1000 × 525 cm) — 1740-42
Basilica San Lorenzo, Verolanuova
Giovan Battista Tiepolo biography
This work is linked to Exodus 16:15
(출 16:15) | 이스라엘 자손이 보고 그것이 무엇인지 알지 못하여 서로 이르되 이것이 무엇이냐 하니 모세가 그들에게 이르되 이는 여호와께서 너희에게 주어 먹게 하신 양식이라 |
This enormous painting by Tiepolo may be seen in the Parish Church of Verolanuova. Ref. The Sacrifice of Melchizedek.
A month and a half after leaving Egypt, the Israelites start to complain to Moses about their empty stomachs. Moses refers them on to God. God had heard their complaints and told Moses that his people should eat meat at night and bread would be provided in the morning.
The next day when the people wake up and the dew has disappeared, the desert is covered with small round things they call manna. Moses tells them it is the promised bread.
During the rest of their journey in the desert, 40 years, the Israelites eat manna twice a day. on the day of the Sabbath there is enough for 2 days, because on the Sabbath no food may be gathered.
Please scroll down to read more information about this work.
Anthony Van Dyck 1599 – 1641
Moses and the Brazen Serpent
oil on canvas (205 × 235 cm) — 1620
This work is linked to Numbers 21:8
(민 21:8) | 여호와께서 모세에게 이르시되 불뱀을 만들어 장대 위에 매달아라 물린 자마다 그것을 보면 살리라 |
The Israelites complain about the long journey through the desert. God immediately punishes them for this lack of faith: they are attacked by poisonous snakes, and many die. The people admits to Moses that they have sinned and beg him to ask forgiveness from God.
God tells Moses to make a brazen serpent and put it on a stick. Everyone who was then bitten by a snake and looked at the brazen serpent, would not die.
There is some confusion about the attribution of this painting. It is signed in the lower right corner with 'Rubens'. Yet the Prado claims it really is a work by the young Anthony van Dyck.
Gustave Doré 1832 – 1883
Moses Showing the Ten Commandments
engraving — 1865
This work is linked to Exodus 32:15
(출 32:15) | ○모세가 돌이켜 산에서 내려오는데 두 1)증거판이 그의 손에 있고 그 판의 양면 이쪽 저쪽에 글자가 있으니 |
Moses shows the Jewish people the stone tables with the laws that he has just received from God.
Jan Lievens 1607 – 1674
Moses Praying While Joshua Fights the Amelekites
engraving — 1627/30
This work is linked to Exodus 17:12
(출 17:12) | 모세의 팔이 피곤하매 그들이 돌을 가져다가 모세의 아래에 놓아 그가 그 위에 앉게 하고 아론과 훌이 한 사람은 이쪽에서, 한 사람은 저쪽에서 모세의 손을 붙들어 올렸더니 그 손이 해가 지도록 내려오지 아니한지라 |
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