Art and the Bible /arts (그림설명)

Golden Calf (금송아지)

바이블엔명화 2016. 4. 17. 13:48








Lucas van Leyden 1494 – 1533

The Adoration of the Golden Calf

oil on panel (93 cm high; center panel 67 cm wide; side panels 31 cm wide) — c. 1530

 Museum Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

Lucas van Leyden biography


This work is linked to Exodus 32:4

(출 32:4) 아론이 그들의 손에서 금 고리를 받아 부어서 조각칼로 새겨 송아지 형상을 만드니 그들이 말하되 이스라엘아 이는 너희를 애굽 땅에서 인도하여 낸 너희의 신이로다 하는지라


A triptych by Lucas van Leyden. While Moses receives the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai, his people lose faith in their god. Although forbidden, Moses' brother Aaron casts a golden calf, an idol, and the people sing and dance around it.






Nicolas Poussin 1593/94 – 1665

The Adoration of the Golden Calf

oil on canvas (154 × 214 cm) — ca. 1634

 Museum National Gallery, London

Nicolas Poussin biography


This work is linked to Exodus 32:4

(출 32:4) 아론이 그들의 손에서 금 고리를 받아 부어서 조각칼로 새겨 송아지 형상을 만드니 그들이 말하되 이스라엘아 이는 너희를 애굽 땅에서 인도하여 낸 너희의 신이로다 하는지라


Moses has been gone a while when the children of Israel ask his brother Aaron for a god to lead them; they expect Moses will not be back. Aaron makes them give up their gold earrings, which they proceed to do, to Aaron's amazement. They then melt the jewelry to create the image of a Golden Calf, at which they can worship.

Poussin shows a somewhat hefty calf and people gaily dancing in front of it. The man in the middle is Aaron. In the background, Moses and Joshua are descending the mountain; Moses is holding the stone tablets with the Ten Commandments. Moses is about to smash them, in a rage over their idolatry.



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