Art and the Bible /arts (그림설명)

Entry into Jerusalem (예루살렘을 향하여 가시다)

바이블엔명화 2016. 3. 9. 23:59




(눅 19:37) 이미 감람 산 내리막길에 가까이 오시매 제자의 온 무리가 자기들이 본 바 모든 능한 일로 인하여 기뻐하며 큰 소리로 하나님을 찬양하여








Entry into Jerusalem

private collection


This work is linked to Luke 19:37


Seated on a she-asses' foal and in the company of his disciples, Jesus arrives at the gates of Jerusalem, where a priest awaits him. The tree in the background is a palm tree.

The first two disciples are Peter and Paul. The presence of Paul is odd, as he isn't mentioned in the Bible until after Jesus' death.

Russian icon.






Pietro Lorenzetti ca. 1280 – 1348

Entry into Jerusalem

fresco — c. 1320

 Museum Basilica of San Francesco d'Assisi, Assisi


This work is linked to Luke 19:37


Seated on a she-ass Jesus is welcomed to Jerusalem. one man spreads his robe on the road, a sign of respect. Among the townsmen are a number of scribes; one of them holds a goose feather pen.

The buildings in the background are presumably from Siena: a campanile, baptistery and the town hall. Lorenzetti was born and died in Siena.