(눅 10:33) | 어떤 사마리아 사람은 여행하는 중 거기 이르러 그를 보고 불쌍히 여겨 |
Eugène Delacroix 1798 – 1863
The Good Samaritan (1849)
oil on canvas (37 × 30 cm) — 1849
private collection
This work is linked to Luke 10:33
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The man from Samaria puts the stranded traveller on his horse. Other passers-by had let the robbed man lay on the road - even though they were supposed to be more pious than the Samaritan.
Delacroix here painted the figures as if he were Rubens: muscular and colourful. His own fast brushstroke can easily be recognized.
Vincent van Gogh would copy this work in 1890: he applied his own style and mirrored the image. Delacroix himself may have been insprired by the version by the 17th century Italian baroque artist Domenico Fetti (below).
Eugène Delacroix 1798 – 1863
The Good Samaritan (1852)
oil on canvas (34 × 42 cm) — 1852
Victoria and Albert Museum, London
This work is linked to Luke 10:33
The Samaritan helps the wounded victim of a robbery with wine and oil.
Earlier Delacroix depicted the next moment in this well-known parable: the Samaritan takes the man with him on his horse (here).
Ferdinand Hodler 1853 – 1918
The Good Samaritan
oil on canvas (71 × 112 cm) — 1886
private collection
This work is linked to Luke 10:33
The Samaritan tries to talk with the man laying besides the road. Other passers-by had not paid attention to the man, who had been robbed of his possessions.
Hodler was one of the most important Swiss painters in the 19th century. He made another painting on this subject in 1875.
Vincent van Gogh 1853 – 1890
The Good Samaritan
oil on canvas (73 × 60 cm) — 1890
Kröller-Müller Museum, Otterlo
This work is linked to Luke 10:33
The man from Samaria pushes the robbed man onto his horse. In the background to the left two men can be seen who let the wounded man lay on the road when they passed him by. They were a priest and a man from the house of Levi; obviously they were not as righteous as there reputations would suggest. only the Samaritan helped the wounded man.
Van Gogh was staying in an institution for the mentally ill when he painted this work, in May 1890. It is a mirrored copy of Eugène Delacroix' Good Samaritan. Van Gogh also made a copy of Delacroix' Pietà.
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