Art and the Bible /arts (그림설명)

The Last Supper (마지막 만찬)

바이블엔명화 2016. 3. 10. 00:03




(눅 22:14) ○때가 이르매 예수께서 사도들과 함께 1)앉으사 마26:20






Willem Andriesz. de Raet 16e eeuw

The last supper

tapestry (180 × 314 cm) — c. 1550-1570

Willem Andriesz. de Raet biography


This work is linked to Luke 22:14


This tapestry was made by Willem de Raet's workshop in a commission that included The angel feeding Elijah and The meeting of Abraham and Melchizedek. The works share the eucharist as theme, the celebration of the bread. It is assumed that the tapestries were only displayed at special occasions.

The current whereabouts are unknown.







Peter Paul Rubens 1577 – 1640

The Last Supper

oil on panel (304 × 250 cm) — 1632

 Museum Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan

Peter Paul Rubens biography


This work is linked to Luke 22:14


This is one of Rubens's versions of the Last Supper. It shows Judas looking away, absent-mindedly, as the others are shocked to learn about the pending betrayal.

The painting was originally an altar-piece in the Saint Rombout Church in Mechelen. Two pre-studies are known – one in Moscow, the other in a private collection.