(눅 2:46) | 사흘 후에 성전에서 만난즉 그가 선생들 중에 앉으사 그들에게 듣기도 하시며 묻기도 하시니 |
Orazio Borgianni ca. 1575 – 1616
Jesus Amongst the Doctors
oil on canvas (78 × 105 cm) — 1610
private collection
This work is linked to Luke 2:46
In the Jerusalem temple the twelve year old Jesus discusses with a number of doctors. They seem impressed by his arguments.
This is a very dynamic painting by Borgianni. In a way it is a mixture of Caravaggio's chiaroscuro and the rich colors of Titian's Venetian School. The effect is that the spectator witnesses a fierce debate.
It was made in Rome, probably in commission of the Spanish diplomat Juan de Lezcano. In 2012 a Dutch private collector, the Broere Foundation, acquired it at an auction for £ 3.4 million. It will be on display in the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam.
Albrecht Dürer 1471 – 1528
Seven Sorrows: Jesus among the Doctors
oil on panel (63 × 45 cm) — 1495-1496
Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, Dresden
This work is linked to Luke 2:46
Part of Dürer's series on The Seven Sorrows of Mary. Mary and Joseph had been searching young Jesus for three days when they finally found him in the temple, explaining the Scripture to the experts.
- Circumcission
- Flight into Egypt
- Among the Doctors
- Carrying the Cross
- Crucifixion
- On the Cross
- Lamentation
Albrecht Dürer 1471 – 1528
The Young Jesus among the Doctors
oil on panel (64 × 80 cm) — 1506
Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid
This work is linked to Luke 2:46
After three days of searching Jesus' parents find him (12) in the temple, discussing the scripture with the doctors.
Dürer shows a calm Jesus among the exited doctors. Gesturing hands come together in the center of the composition. By showing the figures at no more than half-length, all attention goes to the faces and the hands.
In this panel northern renaissance meets the southern: Dürer made it during his second visit to Italy, in Venice.
Giovanni Serodine ca. 1600 – 1631
Jesus Among the Doctors
oil on canvas (145 × 224 cm) — 1626
This work is linked to Luke 2:46
After having searched for three days, Jesus' parents (top right) find him in the temple, discussing the law with the doctors. The old men were impressed by his insights.
This episode from Luke is Jesus' first public appearance
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