Art and the Bible /제임스 티소가 본 구약성서

James Tissot Artwork and Paintings of the Old Testament -2

바이블엔명화 2017. 9. 21. 10:00


God Appears to Noah ,watercolor,  1896–1902, The Jewish Museum, New York.

Shem, Ham and Japheth ​,  1896~1902, gouache on board

                              Building the Ark, 1896~1902, ​gouache on  board

                               21.5 x 28.8 cm, The Jewish Museum, New York.

The Dove Returns to Noah, 1896~1902 

The Animals Enter the Ark, 1896~1902,   gouache on board ,  22.9 cm x 17.4 cm

Noah's Drunkenness, 1896~1902,   gouache on board ,  20.2 cm x 31.9 cm

Noah's Sacrifice, ​1896~1902,   gouache on board ,  18.7 cm x 28.9 cm
  Jewish Museum, New York

The Deluge, 1896~1902,   gouache on board ,  26.6 cm x 22.4 cm 

 Moses and the Exodus Early Years

Moses​, 1896~1902,   gouache on board ,  22.3 x 10.8 cm

"Pharaoh Notes the Importance of the Jewish Peopler",(1896-1900, watercolor,

Jewish Museum, New York.

Pharaoh and the Midwives ​,  1896~1902, gouache on board

Moses Laid Amid the Flags,  1896~1902,   gouache on board ,  25.2 x 12.4 cm

Pharaoh's Daughter Has Moses Brought to Her, 1896~1902,   gouache on board ,


Pharaoh's Daughter Receives the Mother of Moses,  1896~1902,  

gouache on board

Moses Slays an Egyptian​, 1896~1902,   gouache on board ,  28.5 cm x 12.4 cm

                                              Moses at the Well at Midian

                                            Moses Defends Jethro's Daughters

Moses and the Burning Bush/Moses Adores God in the Burning Bush/ Moses' Rod Is Turned into a Serpent