Art and the Bible /arts (그림설명)

Paul in Ephesus (에베소에서 전도하는 바울)

바이블엔명화 2016. 4. 4. 22:52





(행 19:19)

또 마술을 행하던 많은 사람이 그 책을 모아 가지고 와서 모든 사람 앞에서 불사르니 그 책 값을 계산한즉 은 오만이나 되더라


19 Many of them also which used curious arts brought their books together, and burned them before all men: and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver.









Eustache Le Sueur 1616 – 1655

Paul in Ephesus

oil on canvas (111 × 85 cm) — 1648-49

Museum National Gallery, London

Eustache Le Sueur biography


This work is linked to Acts 19:19