(행 3:6) | 베드로가 이르되 은과 금은 내게 없거니와 내게 있는 이것을 네게 주노니 나사렛 예수 그리스도의 이름으로 일어나 걸으라 하고 |
6 Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.
Masolino 1338 – 1447
Peter Heals the Crippled
fresco (255 cm tall) — 1425
Brancacci Chapel, Santa Maria del Carmine, Florence
This work is linked to Acts 3:6
This is the left part of a fresco by Masolino. The right part shows the raising of Tabita. The fresco measures in total 225 x 598 cm.
Some claim that the background was painted by Masaccio, who made the other frescoes in the chapel, and who was quite enthusiastic about the possibilities of perspective. However, the perspective here is not particularly good – all proportion between figures and buildings is completely lost.
The cripple asks for alms. Peter has no money and gives the man his hand, at which the cripple is cured, gets up and praises the Lord. John is standing next to Peter.
There are two strange figures to the right. Although they are not part of the biblical story, they go well with the Florentine atmosphere of the tableau. Their presence underlines how commonplace the scene is supposed to be, as does the washing hanging from several windows.
Pieter Aertsen 1507/08 – 1575
The Miraculous Healing of a Lame Man by Peter and John
oil on panel (56 × 76 cm) — 1575
This work is linked to Acts 3:6
This is one of Pieter Aertsen's last works, made in the year he died. It was transfered from panel to a canvas and is in a bad condition.
Aertsen placed the subject more or less in the background, just like he often did. A group of sick and disabled people have gathered outside the Beautiful Gate, one of the gates to the temple. They ask alms from the people that enter the temple.
Aertsen leaves the biblical story: he shows the healing of a child, while in the Acts the healing of lame man is described. Peter seems absent-minded and leaves most of the work to John.
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn 1606 – 1669
Peter and John at the Temple Gate
pen drawing (22 × 17 cm) — 1629
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn biography
This work is linked to Acts 3:6
At one of the entrances to the temple in Jerusalem a crippled man asks Peter and John for alms. Peter replies that he has no gold or silver. He then commands the man: "Rise up and walk". The man, who was born lame, immediately rises and follows the apostles into the temple, dancing and jumping.
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