Gaudenzio Ferrari, Stories of life and passion of Christ, fresco, 1513, Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie, Varallo Sesia (VC), Italy. SCENES: Top row: Annunciation, Nativity, Visit of the Three Magi, Flight to Egypt, Baptism of Christ, Raising of Lazarus , Entry to Jerusalem, Last Supper. Middle row: Washing of feet, Agony in the Garden, Arrest of Christ, Trial before the Sanhedrin, Trial before Pilate, Flagellation. Bottom row: Ecce homo, Carrying the cross, Christ falls, Crucifixion, Deposition from the cross, Harrowing of Hell, Resurrection.
Life of Jesus (예수님의 생애)
Annunciation (수태고지)
Nativity (예수의 탄생)
Visit of the Three Magi (목자들과 동방박사들의 경배)
Flight to Egypt (애굽으로 피신)
Baptism of Christ (세례 받으심)
Raising of Lazarus (나사로를 살리심)
Entry to Jerusalem (예루살렘으로 입성)
Last Supper (마지막 만찬)
Washing of feet (제자들의 발을 씻기심)
Agony in the Garden (겟세마네동산에서 기도하심)
Arrest of Christ (체포됨)
Trial before the Sanhedrin (산헤드린공회 앞에 서시다)
Trial before Pilate (빌라도 앞에 서시다)
Flagellation (채찍질 당하심)
Ecce homo (빌라도가 그들에게 말하되 보라 이 사람이로다 하매 )
Carrying the cross (십자가를 짊어지심)
Christ falls (골고다로 향하다가 쓰러지심)
Crucifixion (십자가에 못박히심)
Deposition from the cross (영혼이 떠나가심)
Harrowing of Hell (무덤에 묻히심)
Resurrection. (부활하심)
Ascension (승천하심)
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