Art and the Bible /arts (그림설명)

Ascension (승천하심)

바이블엔명화 2016. 3. 13. 21:58






(행 1:8) 오직 성령이 너희에게 임하시면 너희가 권능을 받고 예루살렘과 온 유대사마리아와 땅 끝까지 이르러 내 증인이 되리라 하시니라
(행 1:9) 이 말씀을 마치시고 그들이 보는데 올려져 가시니 구름이 그를 가리어 보이지 않게 하더라









Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn 1606 – 1669


oil on canvas (93 × 69 cm) — 1636

Museum Alte Pinakothek, Munich

Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn biography


This work is linked to Acts 1:9

Please scroll down to read more information about this work.


After his Resurrection on Easter Sunday Jesus spent time with his disciples. on the fortieth day he said farewell and ascended to heaven. According Mark he was given a seat to the right of God.

Before his departure he announced that the disciples would soon be visited by the Holy Spirit. He would give them strength to travel around the world and be witnesses unto Jesus. And so it happened, ten days later, on the day of Pentecost.

In this painting Rembrandt shows the cloud that is mentioned in Acts 1. Titian: The Assumption of MaryHe also painted an unusual amount of cherubs - something one would sooner expect in a Titian painting. That is no coincidence: experts think Rembrandt may have borrowed the composition from a print of an Assumption of Mary (1516-18) by Titian.

X-ray photographs unveiled that in an early version God was shown in the top section of this work. Rembrandt later painted the ring of light and the barely visible white pigeon. Perhaps he made that modification because of the Calvinist idea of God as the "Unseeable".

This work is one of the five passion paintings by Rembrandt for the stadtholder Frederik Hendrik. The Raising of the Cross, the Descent from the Cross, the Entombment, the Resurrection, the Ascension.





(막 16:19) ○주 예수께서 말씀을 마치신 후에 하늘로 올려지사 하나님 우편에 앉으시니라
(막 16:20) 제자들이 나가 두루 전파할새 주께서 함께 역사하사 그 따르는 6)표적으로 말씀을 확실히 증언하시니라] 행5:12, 히2:4






Luca della Robbia 1400 – 1482

The Ascension

terracotta with glaze — 1442-45

 Museum Duomo, Florence


This work is linked to Mark 16:19


This sculpture is found in a lunette over the door of the Southern Sacristy of the Florence Cathedral. The relief is terracotta; the glaze is a mixture of minerals.

Over the door to the southern sacristy Della Robbia made a similar but less colorful relief on the Resurrection.