(마 27:24) | 빌라도가 아무 성과도 없이 도리어 민란이 나려는 것을 보고 물을 가져다가 무리 앞에서 손을 씻으며 이르되 2)이 사람의 피에 대하여 나는 무죄하니 너희가 당하라 |
Il Tintoretto 1518 – 1594
Christ before Pilate
oil on canvas (515 × 380 cm) — 1565-1567
This work is linked to Matthew 27:24
Jan Lievens 1607 – 1674
Pilate washing his hands in innocence
oil on panel (74 × 106 cm) — 1624-1625
Stedelijk Museum De Lakenhal, Leiden
This work is linked to Matthew 27:24
The Roman governor Pilate thinks that Jesus hasn't done much harm and wants to let him go. But the Jewish priests and the crowd make him punish Jesus anyway. By washing his hands, Pilate shows he feels no responsibility for the events.
In the background to the right Jesus is taken away.
Jan Lievens was about 18 years old when he painted this panel. The rich details in Pilate's costly robe show he already was a very skillful artist.
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