(마 22:19) | 세금 낼 돈을 내게 보이라 하시니 1)데나리온 하나를 가져왔거늘 |
Titian 1487/90 – 1576
The Tribute Money (Dresden)
oil on panel (79 × 70 cm) — c. 1515
Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, Dresden
This work is linked to Matthew 22:19
A group of Pharisees tries to trick Jesus into making a political statement. Are Jews allowed to pay taxes to the Roman emperor, they ask him. He then asks them to show him a coin. It holds Caesar's name and inscription. He then says: "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and give to God what is God's."
Titian shows Jesus with a soft, pale skin and the Pharisee with a rude, dark skin. Fifty years on Titian would make another painting on this subject.
Titian 1487/90 – 1576
The Tribute Money (London)
oil on canvas (112 × 103 cm) — c. 1560-1568
This work is linked to Matthew 22:19
In the temple a group of Pharisees tries to trick Jesus into making a political statement. They ask him whether Jews are allowed to pay taxes to the Roman emperor. He then asks them to show him a coin. It holds Caesar's name and inscription. He then says: "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and give to God what is God's."
Fifty years earlier Titian had already made a painting on the same subject, a more intimate work. It is possible that he already started with this painting in the 1540's.
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