Art and the Bible /arts (그림설명)

The Birth of the Baptist (세례요한의 출생)

바이블엔명화 2016. 3. 9. 22:20




(눅 1:57) ○엘리사벳이 해산할 기한이 차서 아들을 낳으니






Artemisia Gentileschi 1593 – 1656

The Birth of the Baptist

oil on canvas — c. 1632

Museum Museo del Prado, Madrid

Artemisia Gentileschi biography


This work is linked to Luke 1:57


A group of women tends to the newly born boy. one of them must be Elisabeth, his mother. Perhaps her cousin Mary is present too.

To the left is Zacharias, the father. He writes down the name Elisabeth has given the boy: John.

Zacharias had lost his speech when the angel Gabriel announced the birth of a son to him. But after writing down the name, his speech returns.






Domenico Ghirlandaio 1449 – 1494

The Birth of John the Baptist

fresco — 1486-1490

 Museum Santa Maria Novella, Florence


This work is linked to Luke 1:57


At first sight this might be an everyday scene. A child is born, the mother is resting on the bed, a maid serves her a drink, two young women care for the child, and some neighbours pay a visit.

But the situation is more complex. Most striking is the high age of the mother. She is Elisabeth, the wife of the also aged priest Zacharias. Also, the visitors are not Elisabeth's contemporaries but 15th century members of the Florentine Tornabuoni family. They bring wine and fruit, which probably was not common in ancient Israel.

The fresco has a strong domestic atmosphere, emphasized by a number of still-life details: the fruit basket, the brass bowl on the left, and the pomegranates and vase above the bed. Ghirlandaio may have been influenced by Flemish painters, who often used such details.

This fresco is part of the series Ghirlandaio made in the Tornabuoni family chapel in the church of Santa Maria Novella in Florence. All works in this series are about the life of John the Baptist.




Jan van Eyck 1390 – 1441

The Birth of John the Baptist

illumination (26 × 20 cm) — c. 1423

 Museum Museo Civico di Arte Antica, Turin

Jan van Eyck biography


This work is linked to Luke 1:57


This is folio 93-v of the Turin-Milan Hours. That Book of Hours was the property of John, Count of Holland. A number of illuminations was probably made by Jan van Eyck, who worked at the Count's court in The Hague between 1422 and 1425.

The large scene shows the birth of the Baptist. His mother Elizabeth is on a bed in a room. Zacharias sits in another room; he is still stupified.

The lower half of the page shows an initial D and a landscape with the baptism of Jesus.




(눅 1:63) 그가 서판을 달라 하여 그 이름을 요한이라 쓰매 다 놀랍게 여기더라





Fra Angelico 1387 – 1455

The Naming of John the Baptist

tempera on panel (26 × 24 cm) — 1434-35

 Museum Museo di San Marco, Florence

Fra Angelico biography


This work is linked to Luke 1:63


After Zacharias had spoken with the angel Gabriel in the temple, he had lost his power of speech. When his son is born, his wife Elisabeth (with child) says the boy should be called John. That happens to be the name the angel mentioned.

Zacharias is also asked to give his opinion. He writes down the name John. At that moment he regains his power of speech.






Domenico Ghirlandaio 1449 – 1494

Zacharias writes John's name

fresco (c. 330 × 450 cm) — 1486-1490

Museum Santa Maria Novella, Florence


This work is linked to Luke 1:63


Everybody expected that the child would be named after his father. But Elisabeth insisted he should be named John, which made people wonder about Zacharias being the father or not. Zacharias sat down and wrote on a table: "His name is John". He then immediately regained speech, which he had lost when the angel announced his son's birth to him.

This fresco is part of the series Ghirlandaio made in the Tornabuoni family chapel in the church of Santa Maria Novella in Florence. All works are about the life of John the Baptist.