Art and the Bible /arts (그림설명)

데오빌로 각하에게

바이블엔명화 2016. 3. 9. 21:42




(눅 1:1) 우리 중에 이루어진 사실에 대하여
(눅 1:2) 처음부터 목격자와 말씀의 일꾼 된 자들이 전하여 준 그대로 내력을 저술하려고 붓을 든 사람이 많은지라 히2:3, 요15:27, 막4:14, 막16:20
(눅 1:3) 그 모든 일을 근원부터 자세히 미루어 살핀 나도 데오빌로 각하에게 차례대로 써 보내는 것이 좋은 줄 알았노니 딤전4:6, 딤후3:10, 행11:4
(눅 1:4) 이는 각하가 알고 있는 바를 더 확실하게 하려 함이로라 요20:31





Matthias Grünewald ca. 1480 – 1528

Isenheim Altar - opened, 1

oil on panel — 1510-1515 Museum Unterlinden Museum, Colmar

Matthias Grünewald biography


This work is linked to Luke 1:1


The Isenheim Altarpiece. Here with outer panels open. Ref. Isenheim altar for more information on the altarpiece.








Frans Hals 1582 – 1666

St Luke

oil on canvas (70 × 55 cm) — mid-17th century

 Museum Museum of Western and Eastern Art, Odessa

Frans Hals biography


This work is linked to Luke 1:1


St Luke can be recognized by his personal attribute, the ox. His gospel starts with the sacrifice by Zacharias, and the ox was often used for such purposes.

The painting is part of a series by Hals with the saints Mark and Matthew.