(요 20:27) | 도마에게 이르시되 네 손가락을 이리 내밀어 내 손을 보고 네 손을 내밀어 내 옆구리에 넣어 보라 그리하여 믿음 없는 자가 되지 말고 믿는 자가 되라 ![]() |
Caravaggio 1573 – 1610
oil on canvas (107 × 146 cm) — 1602-1603
Sanssouci, Potsdam
This work is linked to John 20:27
○ 제자들에게 나타나심 | |
19. | 이날 곧 안식 후 첫날 저녁 때에 제자들이 유대인들을 두려워하여 모인 곳에 문들을 닫았더니 예수께서 오사 가운데 서서 가라사대 너희에게 평강이 있을찌어다 |
20. | 이 말씀을 하시고 손과 옆구리를 보이시니 제자들이 주를 보고 기뻐하더라 |
21. | 예수께서 또 가라사대 너희에게 평강이 있을찌어다 아버지께서 나를 보내신 것 같이 나도 너희를 보내노라 |
22. | 이 말씀을 하시고 저희를 향하사 숨을 내쉬며 가라사대 성령을 받으라 ![]() |
23. | 너희가 뉘 죄든지 사하면 사하여질 것이요 뉘 죄든지 그대로 두면 그대로 있으리라 하시니라 |
24. | 열 두 제자 중에 하나인 디두모라 하는 도마는 예수 오셨을 때에 함께 있지 아니한지라 ![]() |
25. | 다른 제자들이 그에게 이르되 우리가 주를 보았노라 하니 도마가 가로되 내가 그 손의 못자국을 보며 내 손가락을 그 못자국에 넣으며 내 손을 그 옆구리에 넣어 보지 않고는 믿지 아니하겠노라 하니라 ![]() |
26. | 여드레를 지나서 제자들이 다시 집안에 있을 때에 도마도 함께 있고 문들이 닫혔는데 예수께서 오사 가운데 서서 가라사대 너희에게 평강이 있을찌어다 하시고 |
27. | 도마에게 이르시되 네 손가락을 이리 내밀어 내 손을 보고 네 손을 내밀어 내 옆구리에 넣어보라 그리하고 믿음 없는 자가 되지 말고 믿는 자가 되라 ![]() |
28. | 도마가 대답하여 가로되 나의 주시며 나의 하나님이시니이다 |
29. | 예수께서 가라사대 너는 나를 본 고로 믿느냐 보지못하고 믿는 자들은 복되도다 하시니라 ![]() |
Also known as Saint Thomas Putting his Finger on Christ's Wound. Thomas is one of Jesus' twelve apostles. When Jesus shows himself to his followers after his resurrection, Thomas refuses to believe that this man really is his master. He demands evidence. Jesus shows him the wound caused by a Roman soldier's lance before his crucifixion. He invites Thomas to put his finger on it. Caravaggio shows that Thomas soon casts aside all doubt.
Almost identical copies of this painting and that of the Pilgrimage to Emmaus were found in a church in the French town of Loches, in 1999. After investigation, it was announced in 2006 that both works were authentic Caravaggios. Both contain the shield of arms of Philippe de Bethune, a friend of Caravaggio's and French ambassador in Rome. Records show that Bethune acquired four paintings from the painter. Caravaggio often made several copies of his own paintings.
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn 1606 – 1669
oil on panel (53 × 51 cm) — 1634
Pushkin Museum, Moscow
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn biography
This work is linked to John 20:27
Rembrandt depicts the well-known scene somewhat theatrical. By showing his wounds, Jesus takes away Thomas's incredulity.
Contrary to most other depictions, Thomas does not stick his hand into the wound. His doubts vanish when he sees the wound, just as John describes it in his gospel.
John himself is seen on the right. He appears to be sleeping, but that should be regarded as having deep inner thoughts.
Peter Paul Rubens 1577 – 1640
oil on panel (146 × 233 cm) — 1613-1615
Royal Museum of Fine Arts, Antwerp
This work is linked to John 20:27
Thomas cannot believe that the man in front of him is really his master, risen from the dead, and demands proof – he insists on seeing the wounds from the crucifixion. Jesus shows him his hand, which has a clearly visible wound on it.
What is so striking about this painting is the absence of the wound in the side of Jesus, inflicted by the spear of a Roman soldier. on the side panels of the triptych we see the image of the commissioner of the painting - patrician of Antwerp, mayor and humanist Nicolaas Rockox - and his wife. The painting was intended for their vault.
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