Art and the Bible /arts (그림설명)

Prophet (선지자, 예언자)

바이블엔명화 2016. 5. 14. 12:39








Ferdinand Bol 1616 – 1680

Elisha refusing the gifts of Naaman

oil on canvas (151 × 249 cm) — 1661

 Museum Rembrandthuis, Amsterdam

Ferdinand Bol biography


This work is linked to 2 Kings 5:15

(왕하 5:15) ○나아만이 모든 군대와 함께 하나님의 사람에게로 도로 와서 그의 앞에 서서 이르되 내가 이제 이스라엘 외에는 온 천하에 신이 없는 줄을 아나이다 청하건대 당신의 종에게서 예물을 받으소서 하니


Naaman was a Syrian warlord, who suffered from a nasty skin condition, probably leprosy. An Israelite maid he had captured advised him to see the prophet Elisha. Naaman traveled to Samaria, where Elisha told him to take seven dips in the river Jordan.

The baths cured Naaman. He then praised the lord of Israel as the only true god. He wanted to thank Elisha by giving him presents, but Elisha refused.

The man standing in the door to the right is Elisha's servant Gehazi. After Naaman departed, Gehazi ran after him and asked him for gifts. When he returned home, Elisha found out and punished Gehazi with leprosy for his greed.

Bol was commissioned by the masters of the Amsterdam leper home. They probably considered themselves as unselfish as Elisha was.






Francisco Collantes 1599 – 1656

The Vision of Ezekiel

oil on canvas (177 × 205 cm) — 1630

 Museum Museo del Prado, Madrid

Francisco Collantes biography


This work is linked to Ezekiel 37:7

(겔 37:7) ○이에 내가 명령을 따라 대언하니 대언할 때에 소리가 나고 움직이며 이 뼈, 저 뼈가 들어 맞아 뼈들이 서로 연결되더라


In a vision the prophet Ezekiel is taken to a valley filled with human bones. God brings the dead back to life: the bones are joined, nerves and meat added, and covered in a skin. Ezekiel sees to it that the bodies are filled with a spirit too.

The vision should be seen as a prediction of the resurrection of Israel. Ezekiel lived during the Babylonian exile: the people of Israel needed messages of hope.

After the bones were brought back to life, God instructs Ezekiel to make sure that the people now stick to the Biblical laws.






Arent de Gelder 1645 – 1727

Simeon and Anna Praise the infant Jesus

oil on canvas (94 × 107 cm) — c. 1700

 Museum Mauritshuis, The Hague

Arent de Gelder biography


This work is linked to Luke 2:25

(눅 2:25) 예루살렘에 시므온이라 하는 사람이 있으니 이 사람은 의롭고 경건하여 이스라엘의 위로를 기다리는 자라 성령이 그 위에 계시더라


Also known as [em]Simeon's Canticle[/em].

The Holy Ghost tells the devout Simeon that he will not die before seeing the Messiah. When Jesus' parents bring their child to temple, the Holy Ghost leads Simeon there as well, where Simeon recognizes the Redeemer in the infant.

Anna (or Hanna), a prophetess living in the temple, joins Simeon in his praise of the infant.

Arent de Gelder's teacher Rembrandt made a similar painting, just before he died in 1669.







Gustave Doré 1832 – 1883

The Prophet Amos

engraving — 1865

Gustave Doré biography


This work is linked to Amos 1:1

(암 1:1) 유다 왕 웃시야의 시대 곧 이스라엘 왕 요아스의 아들 여로보암의 시대 지진 전 이년에 드고아 목자 중 아모스가 이스라엘에 대하여 이상으로 받은 말씀이라






Gustave Doré 1832 – 1883

The Prophetess Deborah

engraving — 1865

Gustave Doré biography


This work is linked to Judges 5:7

(삿 5:7) 이스라엘에는 마을 1)사람들이 그쳤으니 나 드보라가 일어나 이스라엘의 어머니가 되기까지 그쳤도다


Deborah was a judge, one who would lead the fight against the enemies of Israel when necessary. In her case, the Canaanites needed to be beaten once again. Deborah called on army commander Barak to go to battle but prophesized that no he, but a woman would finish off the enemy leader. The prophecy came true when Jael, wife of Cheber, struck him with a nail of the tent.





Duccio di Buoninsegna ca. 1255 – 1319

The Prophet Malachi

tempera on panel — 1308-11

Museum Museo dell'Opera Metropolitana del Duomo, Siena

Duccio di Buoninsegna biography


This work is linked to Malachi 1:1

(말 1:1) 여호와께서 1)(말라기를 통하여 이스라엘에게 말씀하신 경고라






Michelangelo Buonarroti 1475 – 1564

The Prophet Ezekiel

fresco — 1508-1512

 Museum Sistine Chapel, Vatican City

Michelangelo Buonarroti biography


This work is linked to Ezekiel 1:1

(겔 1:1) 서른째 해 넷째 달 초닷새에 내가 그발 강 가 사로잡힌 자 중에 있을 때에 하늘이 열리며 하나님의 모습이 내게 보이니 왕하22:1, 왕하23:3


Ezekiel was the third great prophet of Israel, usually ranking after Isaiah and Jeremiah. He was active during the Babylonian Exile, a turbulent episode in Jewish history. His life and works are collected in the book of Ezekiel.

This is one of the frescoes showing prophets in the Sistine Chapel. It is part of Michelangelo's ceiling decoration.






Michelangelo Buonarroti 1475 – 1564

The Prophet Jeremiah

fresco — 1508-1512 Museum Sistine Chapel, Vatican City

Michelangelo Buonarroti biography


This work is linked to Jeremiah 1:1

(렘 1:1) 베냐민아나돗제사장들 중 힐기야의 아들 예레미야의 말이라


Jeremiah was one of the great prophets of the Old Testament. His life and works are collected in the Book of Jeremiah and in the Lamentations.

For this fresco in the Sistine Chapel Michelangelo probably depicted Jeremiah lamenting the fall of Jerusalem. More than a century later, Rembrandt also a lamenting Jeremiah.






Michelangelo Buonarroti 1475 – 1564

The Prophet Joel

fresco — 1508-1512 Museum Sistine Chapel, Vatican City

Michelangelo Buonarroti biography


This work is linked to Joel 1:1

(욜 1:1) 브두엘의 아들 요엘에게 임한 여호와의 말씀이라 행2:16


The prophet Joel, one of Michelangelo's fresco's along the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.





Michelangelo Buonarroti 1475 – 1564

The Prophet Zechariah

fresco — 1508-1512

 Museum Sistine Chapel, Vatican City

Michelangelo Buonarroti biography


This work is linked to Zechariah 1:1

(슥 1:1) 다리오 왕 제이년 여덟째 달에 여호와의 말씀이 잇도의 손자 베레갸의 아들 선지자 스가랴에게 임하니라 이르시되


The prophet Zechariah, one of Michelangelo's fresco's along the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.

Two children - or angels? - read along with the prophet in Zechariah's book.






Raphael 1483 – 1520

Ezekiel's Vision

oil on panel (41 × 29 cm) — ca. 1518

 Museum Palazzo Pitti, Florence

Raphael biography


This work is linked to Ezekiel 1:25

(겔 1:25) 그 머리 위에 있는 궁창 위에서부터 음성이 나더라 그 생물이 설 때에 그 날개를 내렸더라


In a vision the prophet Ezekiel sees "the appearance of a man" sitting on a throne shaped by four creatures. The creatures have different faces: that of a man, an ox, a lion and an eagle. The "appearance" speaks to Ezekiel, who realises that it is God himself who speaks to him.

Ezekiel is the tiny figure standing in the beam of light in the bottom left.

St Hieronymus, a father of the church who lived from 347 until 420 AD, used the four creatures as symbols for the four evangelists. Man was the symbol for Matthew, the lion for Mark, the ox for Luke and the eagle for John.

French troops robbed the panel in 1799 and took it from Florence to Paris. After Napoleon's defeat it was returned to Florence in 1816. It now still is in the Galleria Palatina of the Palazzo Pitti.






Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn 1606 – 1669

Jeremiah Lamenting the Destruction of Jerusalem

oil on panel (58 × 46 cm) — 1630

Museum Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn biography


This work is linked to Jeremiah 39:2

(렘 39:2) 시드기야의 제십일년 넷째 달 아홉째 날에 성이 함락되니라 예루살렘이 함락되매 렘52:7


Despite the warnings in his prophecies, Jeremiah has to witness the fall of his beloved Jerusalem. Nebuchadnezzar's troops set the city on fire. In the distance to the left Zedekiah can be seen, holding his fists before his eyes. Zedekiah was the last king of Judah and was made blind by the soldiers.

Jeremiah sees it all in sorrow. His figure is lighted beautifully, with his elbow leaning on a book with the side text Bibel. Michelangelo depicted the prophet in a similar position.

Rembrandt made this painting while in Leiden, before moving to Amsterdam in 1631. He then often used the blunt end of his brush to cut and carve in the paint.





Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn 1606 – 1669

Simeon's Prophecy to Mary

oil on panel (55 × 44 cm) — 1628

 Museum Kunsthalle, Hamburg

Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn biography


This work is linked to Luke 2:34

(눅 2:34) 시므온이 그들에게 축복하고 그의 어머니 마리아에게 말하여 이르되 보라 이는 이스라엘 중 많은 사람을 패하거나 흥하게 하며 비방을 받는 표적이 되기 위하여 세움을 받았고


Mary and Joseph seem surprised when Simeon tells them that their son's actions will lead to the fall and rise of many in Israel. The prophet Anna raises her hands to indicate that she also considers the boy the Messias.

This is one of Rembrandt's earliest known works. He made at least two more paintings with Simeon: in 1631 and in 1669.





James Tissot 1836 – 1902

The Prophet Amos

watercolour — ca. 1888

James Tissot biography


This work is linked to Amos 5:1

(암 5:1) 이스라엘 족속아 내가 너희에게 대하여 애가로 지은 이 말을 들으라






James Tissot 1836 – 1902

The Prophet Ezekiel

watercolour — ca. 1888

James Tissot biography


This work is linked to Ezekiel 2:2

(겔 2:2) 그가 내게 말씀하실 때에 그 영이 내게 임하사 나를 일으켜 내 발로 세우시기로 내가 그 말씀하시는 자의 소리를 들으니 겔3:24





James Tissot 1836 – 1902

The Prophet Haggai

watercolour — ca. 1888

James Tissot biography


This work is linked to Haggai 1:1

(학 1:1) 다리오 왕 제이년 여섯째 달 곧 그 달 초하루에 여호와의 말씀이 선지자 학개로 말미암아 스알디엘의 아들 유다 총독 스룹바벨여호사닥의 아들 대제사장 여호수아에게 임하니라 이르시되





James Tissot 1836 – 1902

The Prophet Hosea

watercolour — ca. 1888

James Tissot biography


This work is linked to Hosea 1:1

(호 1:1) 웃시야와 요담아하스히스기야가 이어 유다 왕이 된 시대 곧 요아스의 아들 여로보암이 이스라엘 왕이 된 시대에 브에리의 아들 호세아에게 임한 여호와의 말씀이라





James Tissot 1836 – 1902

The Prophet Jeremiah

watercolour — ca. 1888

James Tissot biography


This work is linked to Jeremiah 19:10

(렘 19:10) 너는 함께 가는 자의 목전에서 그 옹기를 깨뜨리고 렘51:63


In Jeremiah 19 the prophet is told to buy a potter's bottle. Jeremiah buys it and smashes it a few moments later, in front of a crowd. He tells the people that God will do to them what he just did to the bottle, because of their disobedience.




James Tissot 1836 – 1902

The Prophet Joel

watercolour — ca. 1888

James Tissot biography


This work is linked to Joel 3:10

(욜 3:10) 너희는 보습을 쳐서 칼을 만들지어다 낫을 쳐서 창을 만들지어다 약한 자도 이르기를 나는 강하다 할지어다 슥12:8




James Tissot 1836 – 1902

The Prophet Malachi

watercolour — ca. 1888

James Tissot biography


This work is linked to Malachi 4:1

(말 4:1) 만군의 여호와가 이르노라 보라 용광로 불 같은 날이 이르리니 교만한 자와 악을 행하는 자는 다 지푸라기 같을 것이라 그 이르는 날에 그들을 살라 그 뿌리와 가지를 남기지 아니할 것이로되





James Tissot 1836 – 1902

The Prophet Micah

watercolour — ca. 1888

James Tissot biography


This work is linked to Micah 6:1

(미 6:1) 너희는 여호와의 말씀을 들을지어다 너는 일어나서 산을 향하여 변론하여 작은 산들이 네 목소리를 듣게 하라 하셨나니 시50:1, 사1:2






James Tissot 1836 – 1902

The Prophet Nahum

watercolour — ca. 1888

James Tissot biography


This work is linked to Nahum 1:1

(나 1:1) 니느웨에 대한 경고 곧 엘고스 사람 나훔의 묵시의 글이라




James Tissot 1836 – 1902

The Prophet Obadiah

watercolour — ca. 1888

James Tissot biography


This work is linked to Obadiah 1:1

(옵 1:1) 오바댜의 묵시라






James Tissot 1836 – 1902

The Prophet Zechariah

watercolour — ca. 1888

James Tissot biography


This work is linked to Zechariah 5:5

(슥 5:5) ○내게 말하던 천사가 나아와서 내게 이르되 너는 눈을 들어 나오는 이것이 무엇인가 보라 하기로 슥1:18, 슥2:1






James Tissot 1836 – 1902The Prophet Zephaniah

watercolour — ca. 1888

James Tissot biography


This work is linked to Zephaniah 1:1

(습 1:1) 아몬의 아들 유다 왕 요시야의 시대에 스바냐에게 임한 여호와의 말씀이라 스바냐히스기야의 현손이요 아마랴의 증손이요 그다랴의 손자요 구시의 아들이었더라 벧후1:21






Jan van Eyck 1390 – 1441

The Prophet Micah

oil on panel — 1432 Museum Saint Bavo Cathedral, Ghent

Jan van Eyck biography


Part of the Ghent Altarpiece.


This work is linked to Micah 1:1

(미 1:1) 유다의 왕들 요담아하스히스기야 시대에 모레셋 사람 미가에게 임한 여호와의 말씀 곧 사마리아예루살렘에 관한 묵시라 렘26:18




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