(행 8:35) | 빌립이 입을 열어 이 글에서 시작하여 예수를 가르쳐 복음을 전하니 ![]() |
35 Then Philip opened his mouth, and began at the same scripture, and preached unto him Jesus.
Abraham Bloemaert 1566 – 1651
The Baptism of the Chamberlain
oil on canvas (219 × 154 cm) — 1620-1625
This work is linked to Acts 8:35
Please scroll down to read more information about this work.
The black man, a eunuch, is the chamberlain of the Candace, the queen of Ethiopia. After a visit to Jerusalem he meets the apostle Philip, and askes him to explain a verse from Esaias (53:7) to him. Philip then joins him, and starts preaching Jesus' gospel to the chamberlain.
Later on, when they reach a river, the chamberlain askes Philip to baptise him. He undergoes the baptism in ecstasy, with his hand on his chest and his eyes directed to heaven.
The chamberlain and his company are dressed as Romans. Bloemaert painted them life-size. It is possible that his son Hendrick took part in painting the work.
Jacob de Wit 1695 – 1754
The Baptism of the Chamberlain
oil on canvas (215 × 108 cm) — 1748
This work is linked to Acts 8:35
The black man, a eunuch, is the chamberlain of the queen of Ethiopia. After a visit to Jerusalem he meets the apostle Philip, and askes him to explain a verse from Esaias (53:7). Philip joins the group, and starts preaching Jesus' gospel to the chamberlain.
Later on, when they reach a river, the chamberlain askes Philip to baptise him. That is the moment De Wit depicts.
The painting was made for the chimney of an Amsterdam canal house. As the original is rather dark, we've digitally adjusted the brightness of the photo.
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