Art and the Bible /arts (그림설명)

The Mocking of Christ (예수를 희롱하고 때리다)

바이블엔명화 2016. 3. 10. 00:15




(눅 22:63) ○지키는 사람들이 예수를 희롱하고 때리며






Matthias Grünewald ca. 1480 – 1528

The Mocking of Christ

oil and tempera on panel (109 × 73 cm) — 1502

 Museum Alte Pinakothek, Munich

Matthias Grünewald biography


This work is linked to Luke 22:63


This is the earliest work of Grünewald still known today. It shows his great talent for playing at light and color. Please note the somewhat fleshy figures.






Edouard Manet 1832 – 1883

Jesus Mocked by Soldiers

oil on canvas (191 × 148 cm) — 1865

 Museum Art Institute, Chicago


This work is linked to Luke 22:63


This is one of few works by Manet with a religious subject. At it's presentation in the 1865 Salon in Paris, Manet was criticized for not idealising the figures, especially Jesus.

Manet choose to not emphasize Jesus' divine character, but to focus on his humanity. The soldiers seem to be impressed: is this the king of the Jews?