(요 6:8) | 제자 중 하나 곧 시몬 베드로의 형제 안드레가 예수께 여짜오되 |
(요 6:9) | 여기 한 아이가 있어 보리떡 다섯 개와 물고기 두 마리를 가지고 있나이다 그러나 그것이 이 많은 사람에게 얼마나 되겠사옵나이까 |
Abraham Bloemaert 1566 – 1651
The Feeding of the Multitude (1593)
oil on canvas (38 × 50 cm) — 1593
National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh
This work is linked to John 6:8
This is a painting from Bloemaert's mannerist period. The composition is rather wild. Some of the figures are in somewhat twisted positions. And even though Jesus is at the center, he is barely visible.
More than thirty years on, Bloemaert made a completely different Feeding.
Abraham Bloemaert 1566 – 1651
The Feeding of the Multitude (1628)
oil on canvas (66 × 84 cm) — 1628
private collection
This work is linked to John 6:8
With only five loafs of bread and two fish Jesus manages to feed the crowd of 5,000 people. There is plenty for everyone.
Bloemaert's style had certainly evolved since his previous depiction of the subject in 1593. In this painting the colors are brighter and the composition is more tranquil. Also, Jesus' action is better visible.
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