Art and the Bible /Artists (화가의 biblcal arts)

Tiepolo, Giambattista (8) 잠바티스타 티에폴로

바이블엔명화 2020. 8. 13. 17:38

Giovanni Battista Tiepolo 1696 – 1770

The Calling of Isaiah

fresco (200 × 250 cm) — 1726 - 1729

Palazzo Patriarcale, Udine

Giovanni Battista Tiepolo biography

This work is linked to Isaiah 6:6


Isaiah 6 - Old Testament

Isaiah 6 1 In the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the LORD sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple. 2 Above it stood the seraphims: each one had six wings; with twain he covered his face, and with twain he covered


Isaiah had a position at the court of king Uzziah. After Uzziah's death Isaiah's future became uncertain. In a vision he saw God and a number of angels. Isaiah tells them he lives among a people "of unclean lips". One of the angels then approaches Isaiah and touches his lips with a hot coal: Isaiah's lips and thereby he himself are now cleared of any sin. Isaiah immediately offers to become a prophet.


This is one of Tiepolo's ceiling paintings in the palace of the bishop of Udine