Art and the Bible /Artists (화가의 biblcal arts)

Rosselli, Cosimo (2) 코시모 로셀리

바이블엔명화 2020. 8. 13. 11:22

Cosimo Rosselli 1439 – 1507

The Adoration of the Child

oil on panel (Ø 114 cm) — c. 1490-1500

Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

Cosimo Rosselli biography


Artist: Cosimo Rosselli

Cosimo Rosselli 1439 - 1507 Florentine renaissance painter. From 1459 on he worked for himself. Among his first works were fresco's in the Fiesole cathedral. His best known works are probably the fresco's he made in the Sistine Chapel (1480-). In Rome he p


On this large tondo Mary, Joseph and a young John the Baptist (the boy) marvel at the baby Jesus. One of the angels holds the infant's head, the other lays his hands on the future Baptist's shoulders. Rosselli thereby suggests they have a common fate.