Art and the Bible /Artists (화가의 biblcal arts)

Memling, Hans (3) 한스 멤링

바이블엔명화 2020. 8. 13. 08:44

Hans Memling ca. 1433 – 1494

Sacra Conversazione

oil on panel (174 × 174 cm) — 1479

Memling Museum, St.John's Hospital, Bruges

Hans Memling biography


Artist: Hans Memling

Hans Memling ca. 1433 - 1494 German-Flemish artist, born in Seligenstadt (Hessen), died in Bruges. He is also known as Hans Memlinc. All that is certain about his birth is that is must have been before 1440. He probably received his first painting lessons


This scene, with Mary and child surrounded by various saints, is called a Sacra Conversazione, Italian for 'sacred conversation'.


In the background are the two Johns: the Baptist to the left and the Evangelist to the right. The woman to the left is St Catherine, with her common attributes: a sword and a wheel, the instruments of her martyrdom. To the right is St Barbara, with the tower in which she was once locked.


The child puts a ring on Catherine's finger. This 'mystical marriage of Catherine' symbolizes her devotion to him.


This is the central panel of a triptych. The left panel shows John the Baptist, the right panel shows John the Evangelist.

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